Well i've been trying this for like a day now, its impossible.
In the atrium when all the people invade just before you kill greene, i cant seem to past the firefight. I hide behind the right flower wall thing and pick off some people, as soon as someone grenades me, i move over slightly and get shot by someone up on the balcony. Either that or they just kill me from the balcony. I just cant do it.
Yes, i know this games old, but i just found it, and decided to play it again.
It just so happens that i'm on the last level on hardcore, so i thought i might aswell finish it and get the 3 cheevs waiting at then end. BUT DAMN.
RAAM keeps owning me. I got to him no problem, but i just cant beat him. How close to dead would he be is i fired 10 torque arrows straight into his face?
Well i have been trying at lbp planet, and even with some research im sturuggeling with these:
1. How do you make items respawn after they have been destroyed? Like say if a bomb blows up, how do you make it come back in the place they got the original bomb?
2. Is it possible to change the global settings using in game tools? Say if my character went into somewhere dark, could i change it so the game got darker?
That's all. any help would be very appreaciated, thanks for you time :)
I've been playing Fallout loads lately, but i've noticed how it's visually sickening on the ps3 as opposed to the pc. It's also alot more glitchy and stuff. I know the pc is capable of more than the ps3, but seriously the ps3 can do better. (i know this has come up loads and you all know this).
Anyway, is the GOTY for the PS3 gonna be as good graphics as the other versions and as reliable? Or are they just adding the DLC's? Thanks.
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