Even I didn't expect THAT low of a score. I can't believe that this game was even made. I mean, here is the inevetable question that is likely to pop up: "What's Rock Revolution?"
I also feel sorry for the person getting this game. I can imagine the outcome to be something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H30YrFg3rqQ (Enjoy the video, it's hilarious) (Please, someone link this for me)
Here are the highlights of the review:
On Drums:
Compared to the Rock Band drum set, the Rock Revolution peripheral is an abomination that must be destroyed lest it breed and multiply. Picture a 1980s-era toy electronic drum kit that's been flattened and compressed into a tight rectangle. Then assign each of the seven (yes, seven) pads a different color and make some of the shapes circles of different sizes while others are triangles with rounded surfaces. It's a failed peripheral from the start, but I haven't even gotten to the worst of it yet.
Part of the problem is that all the falling notes appear as circles, which doesn't help your brain separate the triangular pads from the circular ones on the set as you're playing. Confused yet? We're just getting warmed up.
Playing the drums in Rock Revolution makes you feel less like a rock star and more like you're taking some kind of psychological test after sustaining a head injury. So many shapes and colors... can't I just lie down, doc?
On Songs:
The songs are all covers, and most are embarrassingly bad. Instruments sound flat and lifeless.
On Vocals:
There are none ;)
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