If your gonna get it get the GOTY Edition, it has an extra 20+ hours. I finished the game and got all the achievements in 70 hours, but for most it takes 100+ hours to finish.
One day when I was playing Halo 3 online 4 months after I bought it I saw the 3 red rings. It froze while I was playing but I immediately turned if off for a minute or so and turned it back on. I've never seen them since. That was 3 months back. And I've had the red ring in Q4 twice, I just turn it off and on again and its fine. Unless it fully dies I won't send it in until I have to. It still works perfectly though.
the GREAT CON was for GREAT MS and THE GREAT XBOX360 SMOOKED others;the hotest GAMES AND THE GREATEST ONES WERE FOR GREAT XBOX360;THE new user interface for GREAT XBOX360 WAS SO COOL AND PRETTY;THE others are daying;
................................................................are u retarded?
The 60GB's good, I'm not 100% if it has the jasper chip which makes pretty impossible to get RROD. The games I am most hyped for are Fable 2, GoW 2, Fallout 3 and the TBA Final Fantasy XIII. I don't know anything about Skate 2 so I'm no help there. And theres a few older games to get like GOTY: Oblivion, Bioshock, The Darkness, Halo 3, Lost Odyssey and COD4.
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