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How it all began.

If you read my last post you already know that gaming is pretty much everything to me and I must admit that I've had pretty amazing years since it all started. I don't regret anything at all and I love that it became a part of me. Making an extremely long story short - It all began when I was 6 years old... Sounds pretty cliche, eh? So at this young age I was extremely girly I have to admit. Dolls and princesses were like everything. Then one day my uncle came to visit us and with him he had a Playstation. To be honest I still have no idea why he decided to give it to me, but obviously I don't regret him doing so. So when he gave it to me I was probably the worlds most uninterested person. I saw it as a typical boy toy and since I was a "woman" I thought that I shouldn't even be in the same room as one, but then the curious me started coming out eventually. Since it was plugged in to the TV and everything I remember clearly that I used to just stand and stare at it, thinking whether I should try a game after all. But I managed to keep myself from doing so for about a month. Then I finally gave in... And guess what? ... I hated it. The first game I ever played was Tomb Raider 3. I also hade Crash Bandicoot 3 and Star Wars 3 I think. I only played it once so I can't remember if it was the third one or second one. The interesting story, however, is that Tomb Raider is my absolute favorite gaming-series that exists in my life. Then you guys might wonder how I could have hated it the first time a played? Well, there are two options here: 1. The game really did suck or 2. I was refusing to let myself like the game since I was a "woman" ------- Well, this is how it all began. I'll probably write what happened after this some other day, that is if you guys are interested in knowing how it continues. Although the funniest part is always remembering how I used to hate games and now 11 years later the situation has changed entirely. It's just funny thinking back at it and remembering it all. This actually reminds me. I haven't thanked my uncle properly yet.