@buccomatic Because government is so awesome. It gives us foodstamps and teaches our children skills we, as dependent citizens, have no ability to do. Government is great!
No, I think these guys are right. Video games are SUPER dangerous to our model society, and government should determine the moral awesomeness of every questionable aspect of private and public life. After all, we all want to be safe, right? Safety takes sacrifice. Not big sacrifices. Just a little more investigation on the link between violence everywhere in society, and the omission of this little, trivial rule called the first amendment. It's all about safety. Being safe is fun!
I used to be really into Nintendo because they were a leading innovator and standard builder for video games in general. Now, I'm sad to admit that I'm a little embarrassed about calling myself a "slight Nintendo fan". This is just another example of how Nintendo is lagging behind Microsoft and Sony, and struggling with standard MEETING, let along standard building. Nintendo needs some major improvements.
It was very brave of you to quit your job and devote yourself to a "career" directly relating to video games, your website, considering that you are a father of two. Even though your website isn't around anymore, it is truly inspiring to hear from a man who took a risk for his gaming passion.
@ vaknir91 - I don't think that Gamespot, and its readers, hate Nintendo. Moreover, I think Gamespot just hates sequels (and descendents of video game series). Notice that Platinum got a lower score than Diamond and Pearl and Black and White got a lower score than Platinum. Also see how the Modern Warfare series's ratings have been decreasing from COD 4 to the present MW3, even though MW3 is clearly good. (COD haters no hate.)
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