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GameWarrior16 Blog

suprising turn

I have officially decided to get an xbox 360 to compensate for all the games people are reluctant to make on wii. Until wii games pick up a bit I will not play anymore wii. Im looking forward to having the best of both worlds (no not in that way) so check back to see what I have to say.

No games coming out.

Lately no good games have been coming out on wii. The only game to look forward to is star wars the force unleashed. Also no good first person shooters are on wii. If nintendo made other first person shooters besides metroid prime wii would be alot more appealing because wii first person shooters have terrible graphics, due to crappy companies putting no effort into the games. Just because its wii does not mean the graphics should be worse than gamecube! What it boils down to is only nintendo themselves make good wii graphics, avoid most other games.

Wii graphics

Did anyone ever notice how the only company who makes good graphics for the wii is Nintendo. Companies just assume people expect bad wii graphics and bomb it, (far cry vengeance). That is not the case, wii has the potential to display high quality graphics, not to the extent of the x box 360, or PS3 but still good enough. Some examples of good wii graphics are, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Smash Bros Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy. In the future when the companies are used to wii and properly know its limitations you can expect severe graphical improvements, you have my word on that!

I hate people who put wii down.

Everyone is always talking about how much better x box, PS3 and PC are than wii because of the graphics. Graphics dont make a game! You need graphics to enjoy a game but only to a certain point. If the graphics are past that point its just to compensate for an otherwise boring game. Not to trash crysis or anything but thats the only strong point of the game, the strory sucks, its too short and there are alot of boring parts in it. Not to metion how repetitive it can get. But of course everyone loves it because the graphics are amazing. Most computers cant even play it. So too you who make fun of wii I hope you read this!


Hello, I am GameWarrior16. I like Nintendo Wii, the motion controls are awesome and the game selection is great. The only default is obviously the graphics however, they were reduced to keep a low cost on a new idea. I can only hope the next nintendo console will apply their best graphics with improved motion controls so crappy x box purist will shut up about their superior graphics. I hope you agree with my blog, I'll keep in touch.

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