Only valuable thing is a big LCD TV and PS4 (on a wooden pallet table?)
Has gigabit internet connection (seriously, downloading 25 GB game in a minute?)
Can spend 60-80$ on a whim because other guy mentioned game in passing
Has to watch Youtube cheat movies in background to win games
Dumb, unwieldy QWERTY screen keyboard, year after Valve shown them how it is done in Big Picture
Friends can invigilate you 24/7, including big screen messages. Tiny Steam popups, anyone?
Has attractive female friend that also likes to play video games
Guy is immature kid that can only communicate with others with text chat. Seriously, the girl is holding a phone, why not ask her in person? Or is that feature simply impossible and you need XBOne with Skype for that? :>
Gamer3344's comments