or you can just spend 15 to 20 dollars on a memory card reader and trade the your memroy card readerand your memory cards and get more than you paid for and your local gamestop or EBgames
well you can already play your old PS/PS2 games on there but i dont know if they have said that downloadable PS1 games from the Playstation Store and played on your PS3. but there is downloading some PS1 games from the playstation store to your PSP but you will need a lot of memory space and i mean alot.
god you guyys are idiots. anyways get the ps1 if you want and the games to go with it is all the Final Fantasy Games, the Tekken games, Metal Gear Solid, and anything that you think is interresting
it might be a succes but we dont know how many units will be shipped and Sony is becoming really busy with the US and Japan consoles being and they rarely have anytime to put a in third party Demos on the playstation store
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