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GamerGoff Blog

Dead Rising 2

I buyed Dead Rising 2 a week ago. Pre-purchased it on steam. It ran fine on my computer even with the slow downs on the large groups of zombies on the screen . I got the hang of it except for the getting to the case and giving katey the zombrex on time :lol:. But I got a save with me not screwing up. The multiplayer is good although I lost but you still get money out of it to use for the story mode. I've created a Games for Windows Live/Xbox Live account. I'll try to post it up.

My Very First Pre-Order

I did my very first pre-order at gamestop. The game I pre-order was Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I was going to pre-order Aliens vs Predator, but its release datewas about 3 days away from my sister's birthday. So I choose BF:BC 2 instead and buyed the first Bad Company with the pre-order. I cant wait to play it, since I've played the beta:D. My steam account was disabled for no reason a few days ago:cry:. Luckly, they fixed the problem. Now I can play my PC games in peace lol.

Modern Warfare 2 and The Orange Box

I buyed two PS3 games at gamestop for $85, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and The Orange Box. I was about to get these two and also another at Target, but the line to the cashier at the electronics was too long. Because of thesome person trying to find extended service plans to a HDTV. Unfortunately, this forced me to go to Gamestop after waiting 12 minutes in the line at Target :(. Both these games are great, but when I heard news that Valve is not working with PS3 due to some of it parts, this got me alittle disappointed. After looking at a youtube video about the CPU in the PS3 and Xbox 360, this gives me a clear unstanding of why some PS3 version of some games have bad framerate. Also I put up my PS3 username if you want to add me. Its the same as my gamespot username.

My B-Day yesterday

I was playing video games and watching movies the entire day yesterday because it was my birthday. I didnt get much gifts, but those gifts was a Playstation 3 (120GB), an extra controller, and two games Uncharted 2 and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09.Also I got some cash on me, so I might think about saving it on Modern Warfare 2 or to get a couple of games.

Back to the busy things.....again

I've been busy for couple of weeks due to education. Sometimes its makes me feel like time is going slow, or its feel alittle dull. I'm making plans on some stuff like a gaming computer and another console. I purchasedPokemon Snap and Pac Manfrom the nintendo shop channel. Pac Man was very difficult to me because the ghosts kept trapping from one spot to another, and cant get through the 4th level which is somewhat odd.

For the gaming computer, I might use my 4 year old dell dimension 2350. Replace all the parts in thecomputer including the PSU. Well for the game console, I mighta xbox 360 or PS3. But mostly see if I could get a PS3 in this year or in 2010.

Bad Luck Can Make You Mad

Have you ever lose money in your house and nobody didn't steal it? Well that happen to me:?. It all started when I placed $60 on my bed. A few hours later, there was just $20 on the bed. Asked the people, who was in my room, did they take anything. But they didn't. Well I can't believe I'am saying this, it seem like a case of bad luck.

GamerGoff is off to Florida

I got two ps-one games, Syphon Filter 3 and Street Fighter Alpha. Well its not the acutal disc, but the full game from the playstation. As the days of me being busy with school work is coming to an quick end for this school year, I'm setting off to Florida for a few days (Including the 12 hour ride to Florida I'll take)so I could celebrate my nieces' birthday (Which I'll mostly spend those days there at Disney World). Don't know if the hotel I going to will be sleeping have Internet. If not, then I'll be home at the 22nd or 23rd

The Hot, wet, and dry days

I'm just here only to say hi and some stuff. I just watch a youtube video of this Domino's Pizza worker doing some unpleasant stuff to the customer's food. This kinda got me worried about that place. Yesterday was my mother's brithday, so I gave her Wii Fit. Then brought a few Wii games for myself(With a few Toys r Us offers).:P

Call of Duty: World At War


Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed


AMF Bowling Pinbusters


And last but not least Wii Music

First time with nintendowi-fi

While Circuit City is suffering its last days due to the economic crisis, I decided to go there and purchase an router for my PSP and wii. I also buyed a another PSP game, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus. The first thing I use to connect to the router was the wii. Played some games online and I'll try to put up my friend code.

Nothing much to say

The weekends was a good day for me (Inculding Friday the 13th). I rented Tropic Thunder and some other movies. Then went to Target to get Left 4 Dead:) and a PC controller for $76.