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School is starting tomorrow!

School is starting tomorrow! Thats mean lots of homework, no time to play video games, studing for quizs, the MSA, and  testes. Not only I have school tomorrow, I have good grades.

Need help here!

I was searching for a graphics card 64 mb or more to play Doom 3. In Staples, they have one that is 256 mb. But at Wal-Mart they have a Radeon ATI 9250. Which one is the best for me to buy?

School is starting in four days!

School os starting in four days:cry:. Thats mean that Iam going to get alot of homework in some weekends, studying for test, do homework that take me along time. Also no time to play video games. Not for some weekends. But I always get the good grades:D. Even I'am going to the 8th grade.

Finish on the review.

Today on the computer bored and drinking soda. There was some new on gamespot. But finish a review of Doom 3.                                                 


I have another review of Resident Evil Outbreak. Also upload another video clip.                                                                                                          


video games. also more user movies.


Today seem to be a good day. So my dad get payed this friaday so I could go to hollywood videos. On the the morning I finish my speed run of Resident Evil on the gamecube. On, I found tips what to do in speed runs. I also upload two commercials in gamespot.                                                                                                                   


one boring day.

My day was boring from today. I was in the apartment, bored, and have nothing to do. My dad went to the safeway to get something for a snack for me while he's at work. In the morning, I was watching my dvds from Doom to Resident Evil. That made me a bit happy:). Later, someone overwrite my flie, so I had to do it all over. Afternoon, I was looking at video clips of Dead Rising, when my dad saw it. He said, man you always like violents, blood, and gore:question:.  Sometimes, my dad don't want me to palay games that are rated m for mature. At, they are having raffle ticket contest on airsoftguns, I wonder if I entered the contest. I entered the puzzle contest. When I mail it, it going to take a 10 week judging to see who's the winner. Well.... I entered all three computer, video game, and media rig contest. I'am going to do a speed run of Resident Evil 4 on the ps2. I have both gamecube and ps2 version of Resident Evil 4. But still gamespot users did'nt email me and talk to me in the yahoo instant messenger. They must have think I'am weird.

A day is half good, and half bad

During today, I was playing Doom 3 on the computer. But I don't have a video card with 64 mb:?. So it went slower and slower. I tried to see if their any graphics cards less than $100 with more than 64 mb. So I'am bored in the apartment with no money to buy or rent any games, just me, my sister, and a girl am babysiting. She aways wants to play the gamecube all the time. But it kinda fun when I'am play Resident Evil 4 or go to game crazy, and play the xbox 360. when it tonight, my mom took her home. Thank god. I wonder if I'll have money to rent a game. Also I wish someone could email me or talk to me on the yahoo instant messenger. Please guys.


The games , movies, and entertianment are good to me while I'am on Gamespot. Gamespot is a perfect web site to be on because you could download demos, video clips, full version of games, also write reviews, upload user videos, and create topics in the forums. So .... this is why I sign up.