So it is Easter Sunday, ofcourse I don't think any overly large news will be taking place, unless the Game Developers conference (2013) is still going on. This year for it, it have been very Meh.. about it. Don't get me wrong , I enjoy games as much as the next gamer, but besides the amazing discussion with the guys from Bungie about Destiny, there wasnt anything that caught my attention. For the past two three years there has been. I have been really excited for Portal 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, Skyrim, And ofcourse Bioshock Infinite and so much more.
This year was kind of hard because in my opinion I seen alot of franchises not perform the way the successors have before. Or ofcourse I have spend this comferrence time play Bioshock Infinite...... I suppose both are valid arguments.
Anyway, 343 Studios talk and here of the Ninja Gaiden Z, and the joys of EA's power house first person shooter Battlefield 4, it feels like publishers are not will to take massive risks with many things. Don't get me wrong, Battlefield 4 looks beautiful this time around, But from what I hear, it is using a whole new engine, called Frostbite 3. Which I don't know how long it takes to make a good gaming engine, butless than two years doesnt really seem sufficient. I mean Unreal 4 has been in development for almost 3-4 years now, and Cryengine 3, maybe even a bit longer. I ask mainly if there was a need for them to claim there was a new engine, or if they were just upgrading theexsisting one, I but the looks, I would say it is a Frostbite 2X, or 2.1. Not a whole new engine.
I really wanted to see news on Dragon Age 3... Or any roleplaying game for that matter, but there was nothing.... nothing at all, and that sucks. I love RPG's and havent played a Decent new realise rpg since Skyrim. (This is being said before having played Ni No Kuni). And even this year there doesn't seem tobe anything. I dont even like shooting games, ofcourse Ive grown to like them alot. Deus Ex: HR, Bioshock Infinite, Spec Ops: The Line, and Resident Evil 6, I have enjoyed to quite a high level. But as of late, there has been more shooters thst I have not liked at all. I actually almost missed out on Deus Ex, and Spec Ops, and must I say Bioshock Infinite because of allthe shooters coming out, because it is driving me insane. I am tried of aiming and shooting in themkst genaric cordor shooting. If we had more Infinites or more Spec ops: the lines, I would be for it. But this trend is really starting to upset myself.
Ok so next post Ill talk about Destiny, but it looks amazing.... despite being a shooter :
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