On Sunday the 22nd, Exile5 took on Avant.tt in the Mwave $2000 quarter finals.
Avant.tt is a team which has been proving itself time and time again, and one of the biggest contenders for the Mwave competition.
The map was to be Grand Bazaar and the team pracced hard during the week in matches and pracs in preparation for this match. Lining up for eXile 5 was dluX, Floormassacre, BigArmz, Beefay, Couchman, Kraz3, Syrim and Cryptik.
Avant lined up with Jonah, Kracky, BunnyX, Cardio, Glove, Yarnu, Unreal and former team Exile5 player, Necriss. The team was very hungry for this win, and we went in hard!
The first round began with Exile5 on Russia. An absolutely failed rollout meant Avant capped their home flag and middle flag (B) on rollout, whilst x5 was left with their home flag. Quick action was needed and we set about getting off the bleed. Avant.tt was unbelievably strong, and their lockdowns seemed impenetrable. No matter what push was made, the team really struggled to get onto a second point and capture it. At one point the scoreboard read around 230-100, and the mood in mumble was becoming grim.
Some big calls came out, and finally some luck went our way. Couchman made a good push around the side of the map to deliver Bravo squad to a flanking position on B, whilst Alpha pushed straight up the guts. Finally it worked, and the combined efforts of both squads finally earned us B, whilst maintaining our home flag. The hard work had now begun. We decided to completely lock down B and our home flag, with Couchman and Bravo manoeuvring to counter any side pushes, while Alpha held the middle. Both squads performed fantastically, but the tickets were ticking down all the same. Eventually Alpha succumbed to the pressure of Avant's infantry on B, however the round was nearly at an end, and the team had managed to bring the score down to a 39 ticket deficit for the round. The team knew a successful rollout in second round and strong lockdown could bring the game back.
Team Exile5 rolled out on the US side for round 2. A fast push into B and some early frags got the team in on B and capped early, with the APC securing the home flag. The team straight away went into lockdown mode, covering all entry points into B and our home flag. Some fantastic infantry work on B by the Alpha boys, with Floormassacre at one point going 6 or 7 down at B, meant B was held, and some great covering play by Bravo squad and the APC managed to hold down the home flag. Eventually Avant managed to push onto B and lockdown, at which point the tickets were about 80 in Exile5's favour. It was a dire position to be in knowing how strong Avant's lockdowns were, and Alpha felt a hard push onto B would be unsuccessful and result in a loss of too many tickets.
It was decided to stack on Couchman's APC, and make a back flag push, leaving a few to lock down the home flag. Couchy flawed it down D road and straight up onto Avant?s home flag. Avant was obviously not expecting this, and Couchy managed to drop the enemy APC and plenty of infantry on the flag. Alpha squad picked up the scraps, and an A-C lockdown was setup. The plan was to squeeze B and leave Avant?s home flag when pressure was placed. However the boys managed to secure up B without losing the back flag, so Avant was capped out. It was near impossible to hold the lockdown, and eventually x5 left the flag to hold the home flag and B, but by this stage it was all over. x5 came out victorious in the round 58-0, winning the game 58-39.
The game was one of the most intense 8v8's Exile5 has ever played in BF3, and there was plenty of yelling in mumble after the game! Big props to Couchman and Floormassacre for going massive this game. Exile5 would like to thank all its prac partners during the week for helping us prepare for the game, and Avant.tt for providing an absolutely epic match. Exile5 looks forward to matching up against Avant soon!
Exile5 progresses to the semi-finals vs. Team Immunity on Sunday night. The team is confident they can bring it to Immunity, and is thoroughly looking forward to the match. Don't forget to comment!
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