Game Spot you are so far off on this review i don't even know where to begin. It really seems like you did not play the full game or you had some blind hatred towards this kind of sanbox open world game:?
And also for other gamers out there that keep saying the graphics are not good. Clearly i have to think 99.9% of you are on SDTV or at best a cheap Vizo from walmart with bad low grade HD cables. Because honestly why no it's not Crysis but on my big HD TV with hight quality HDMI the game looks freaking really good. Very colorful and vibrant and great lighting. Especially for a game of this open world size.
I have the PS3 version. And back to you Game Spot. What in the HECK are you talking about the PS3 having major AA jaggies issues:roll: I dont not have any of this on my top grade HD gaming setup. So i'm to assume your setup sux also. Maybe this is worse on some smaller sized LCD's but i do not see this as an issue like you claim it to be.
As for AI and bugs yes the game has a few. But honestly I have not came anywhere close to the amount of issues Gamespot makes it out to be. And it does not even come close to hindering the insaine amount of fun to be had in this game.
As for re-playability it's through the roof. I mean you can go back and play this game again and it can play different everytime. You can do so many different things for completing stuff. And coop well really it's endless fun.
As for enmy AI it's not even close to as bad as GameSpot says. By no means is it great but it's more then adequate. And they will flank you from time to time.
The one thing that is a bit of a downer is yes they say the same things to much. But it's not all that bad.
Honeslty here people this game is not even close to the 5.0 GS gave it. This is a dis service to gaming and to the developers to come in this far off the mark. Mercs 2 is a solid 8.0 caliber game. And if your a fan of Freedom Fighters and add a twist of sand box open world then Mercs 2 will make you have wet dreams.
All i can think of it the GS reviewer just has some sort of blind hate for open sandbox games. Either that or just did not play the game very long and just took a few bad things he saw and through some garbage review together:?.
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