Figured as much, Microsoft doesnt want people to stop buying 360 and Kinects when the Nextbox and Nextkinect is still atleast 2 years away (when the systems will go on sale, MS will clearly show them off sometime before then Im sure)
Sometimes I think it would be better just to drop the entire number rating system and change it to "Horrible" "Bearable" "Good" "Great" and "Super: GOTY worthy" Horrible obviously being where the game brings zero enjoyment, is horribly broken, and a waste of money no matter the price. Bearable is when the game brings some enjoyment, probably still broken in one way or another but is playable from start to end without too many problems, is only worth the price if found in bargain bin. Good is when the game brings alot of enjoyment and you find that you have great difficulty putting down the controller for anything, might have a few technical problems (glitches, game freezes, controls don't feel quite right, etc), might actually be worth buying near if not right at the usual retail price. Great is just the same as good, except for that it has few to no technical issues unless you are being nit picky, is well worth whatever price the game launches with. The only thing keeping it from being "Super: GOTY worthy" is that it is missing that certain 'charm.' Super: GOTY Worthy is when the game is too much fun, has zero to almost no flaws (or if it does, the flaws are easy to ignore unless you are being nit picky), is most certainly worth whatever price is launches with (in fact it might even be worth more than that), and has that certain 'charm' that makes you hold up this game as being better than all the rest.
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