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Entry Five: the Borg

Anyone else see Voyagers two parter Unimatrix Zero, specifically a scene where the Borg Queen visits and encounters a young boy who was recently assimilated? That scene just gives me achill down my spine it plays out like this:

Two boys are playing hide and seek in the virtual forest of Unimatrix Zero, one crawls through undergrowth and emerges in a clearing but finds a pair of artificial legs in his path, he looks upward to see it is the Borg Queen.

"Don't be fightened." She reassures him and then in a Borg manner:"Stand up let me look at you. Comply"

He gets to his feet, eyes fixed on her, he knows exactly what she is having encountered other Borg drones recently once on his parents ship and again perhaps days agowhenone invading dronegrappled him until a Klingon saved him, but he knows nothing about the Borg and thus doesnt fear them as others might.

"Your one of the machine people trying to hurt us."

The Queen then turns to face him properly.

"Thats the last thing I want to do, I'm here to help you, all of you."

He responds to this and struggles with a word the Borg use alot "They said you wanted to assim... assima..."

She corrects him "Assimilate you."

And then she continues "Yes. Thats nothing to be afraid of, you like having friends dont you?"

He nods

"Assimilation turns us all into friends in fact it brings us so close together we can hear each others thoughts." she continues and looks at her surroundings

Curious he asks"Is that fun?"

She sighs and responds "Yes. It's fun."

The Queen then takes a step toward him, cautious he takes a step back and she stops realising his apprehension and tries to reassure him

"I was just about your age when I was assimilated, I was worried then to, but when I began to hear the others, hear their thoughts, I wasn't afraid anymore."

He asks her something that's still clearly bothering him, with the other drones of Unimatrix Zero preoccupied since his arrival he's likely been ignored "don't you miss your parents?"

"Their here with me part of us. I can hear them right now."

She trails off focusing on the voice and then turns her attention back to the boy and ever hungry for perfection asks "Would you like to be with your parents? they miss you. they want to see you."

While making the offer he is visibly upset yet relieved to know they are safe though cannot understand the gravity of the situation.

"Can I talk to them?" He asks

"Soon." The Queen replies she now has him in her power.

It's a fantastic sad and scary scene, as mentioned the boyhad already beenassimilated with his family andduring his assimilation his DNA was being rewrittenbut a recessive gene allowed for a anomly where some minds exist in a virtual environment where they share lives.See when the Borg assimilate people, everyone is linked to a collective consciece the borg operate as a group mind and often describe it as one mind, one voice. Individuality is erased and as droneswhen out of a alcovethey have individual thoughts about their function and task, anything astray about their lives and interests is purged.

While the parents would have been altered into drones immediately, the boy is too young to take implants, he would have been placed in a maturation chamber where he'd spend weeks, months or possibly a year or two undergoing modifications and DNA resequencing. His growth is being accelerated and his physical development manipulated to suit whatever drone function the borg require, if he were a free individual he may grow to be a weedy 5'7 light weight but due to his assimilation at his age (approx seven years old) and with their resources the Borg may want him to be a 6'10 heavy weight tacticle drone, they will be replacing a eye with a ocular implant, a arm with a tool and so on. His mind in the meantime would be subject to alterations fromthe Borg hive mind so he'd think like a Borg Drone and thenhe would face a extended lifetime (due to nanoprobes allowing him to live well beyond his years) of serving the colective as a mindless, sexless being, doing his duty then regenerating and repeating this pattern instead of growing up, getting a girlfriend, marrying, having kids etc.

While the Queen had comforted him with stories of hearing each others thoughts and being together with family, it's all a lie, withhis mind altered he'dpercieve his parents, friends, hobbies and interests as irrelevent and think in tune with the hive mind. She alludes to his parents missing him and hearing her own which is also a lie, their parents are likely only thinking of the task they are perfoming or may be in their alcoves and part of the hive mind. Even if they were freed from the Borg, they could well be on different vessals in different parts of the universe and likely unable to see each other again.

The Queens manner towards him changes, she recognises him as borg for being in the virtual forest and addresses him like she woulda drone, shethen softens up and simplifies her wordsuponrealising he has no memory of anything beyond his capture and proceeds to manipulate him through his ignorence of the Borg.

The sad part is, the Queen would have reassimilated him, her function is to bring errant drones back and comfort those who prove tricky to assimilate, and his life may have endedapproximately one year later when the Borg were stricken by a pathogen and many were destroyed in the resulting chaos.

Entry Four: I got Left 4 Dead 2 but don't have a 360

Two weeks ago my 360 red ringed, I told my brother to ring the GAME helpline since he purchased it from them and it turns out they need a policy number.

I was fuming but not at the policy number, thats easy, he didnt have it and had to ring the shop for them to send it out, again no probs there, what did have me angry was him phoning the helpline five minutes before he had to set off for collage thinking he would settle this and give details in five minutes.

I found it out when he phoned the helpline and when asked he said he didn't have a policy number and hung up, Ihad a reciept thinking it may help and told him it might be on there, he goes "Ive got to be at collage now." He two days off but did **** all andhas repeatedly failed to phone up about the policy number not arriving now that I picked up Left 4 Dead 2 he's **** about not having a 360, well who's fault is that.

Entry Three: Supernatural Abandon all hope

I'll be brief


I feel cheated, they said someone would die and instead it's two non entities they brought back at the start of the season.

The only redeeming bits were Mark Sheppard making a deal with a man by kissing him to his unease and Castiels description of it,Sam and Deanssuspense after Dean shoots Lucifer with the colt and Lucifers reaction to the colt.

Entry Two: Dead Rising butchered edition

When Dead Rising was announced for Wii many were dubious of the game and more were quick to dismiss it, I on the other hand was intruged. The prospect of playing Dead Rising with the remote and nunchuk was a dream come true. Alas, the final version was a great disappointment.

The original could be described as Grand Theft Auto with a hundred zombies on screen, the Wii port was done Resident Evil 4 style which is no bad thing since the original suffered with mechanics like it's camera and some playershated the time management of the original.

The developers really had no great plans with the Wiiport besides doing it for the sake of doing it. Every escort mission had the same layout in enemy positioning and barrier structure leading to repetition and the zombies were slower and reacted alot less to the player then the original and the new enemies, parrots, poodles and super zombieswere plain annoying. Somehow the game managed to take two games, one outstanding and one decent and destroy them both.

Could the Wii have handled a more faithful port? well a direct one is out of the question but could they replicate it in some form?

I found two vids on Youtube that lead me to believe they could have done more.

128 Marios - a Gamecube tech demo where 128 Marios do individual things using a third of the Gamecubes CPU, imagine what a wii could do at max.

Spartan Total Warrior - a sixth gen multiplatform release with 150-180 AI characters on screen.

I understand Dead Rising is a bit more complex then both examplesyet feel cheated by Capcom.

Though I do still hold out hope for a motion plus Dead Rising at some point.

Entry One: Wii graphics (surprise surprise)

So Wii gamers now get Modern Warfare Reflex and when looking at the comparison vid on Gametrailers you'll find the usual anti Wii/Nintendo crowd posting in depth analysis in such sentances as "Teh Wii suxs" and then there's the typical "Looks good - for a Wii game." but then there's also ones which go "Looks awesome! best game on Wii" andit's the samesituation on Youtube.

Now lets sit back and take a look at Modern Warfare Reflex in action:

What more could they do visually for the next one?

Well here's two comparable videos of a game from six years ago on the Gamecube.

I know there's a huge difference and Factor 5 had two years to make Rebel Strike but couldn't Treyarch use more of the Wiis hardware for more effects in their next game the self shadowing, smoke and rain effects and maybe other stuff like more destructable objects in the environment . It wouldn't really add to the gameplay but would be welcome nonetheless. They did a fair job with Modern Warfare Reflex and I hope they aim higher with whatever comes next.

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