Gangstah-Fresh's forum posts
I would never call inFamous boring. The parkour and combat are actually quite fun. The story is very entertaining and with the two morally-opposite story lines you get a completely fresh replay. Its almost like two campaigns in one. The story missions are all quite different. You may have to escort a bus full of hospital supplies, track down a nasty villian and infiltrate his hideout, blast down some spy planes and pull some info from the reckage, save your best friend from falling from the sky, save your girl from a telekenetic pyscho, keep a bunch of bad guys from breaking their ally out of prison, destroying a bunch of balloons with powerful lightning attacks to stop them from spraying the civillians down with toxic gas.... The list goes on. They're well varied, and there are a good amount of them. There are also tons of side missions. There are 15 good and 15 bad along with dozens of others. You may have to stop an armored bus that is mowing down civillians with its mounted machine guns, jump from rooftop to rooftop in a race against the clock, save clinics from being over ran by villians, perform certain moves so fans can take a picture of you, and a whole bunch more. Like I said, they're pretty varied. You get some pretty awesome power upgrades as you progress through the campaign and the villians get tougher and cooler. With that and the story I'd say there is plenty to look forward to. You may even find yourself leaping and gliding from rooftop to rooftop collecting the 350 blast shards scattered about the city and enjoying it. Infamous + Boring = Not true. :PNephilim83After reading that there is no point in me posting any additional information. I played the demo and loved it. After I am done dishing out money for the new iphone I am getting this game for sure.
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