Gankstar_VX84's forum posts
resident evil 1 and the REmake on the cube they were a bit creepy, but neither were scary, and all the others that came after went more toward action then horror. re6 looks damn awful though, everything about it looks like it has more in common with that operation raccoon city then any actual resident evil game, ott cheez action and stupid, hey i'm japanease but i really wanna be an american even though they nuked us crappy patriotism, just UGH.
it sounds like the PC version is terrible. I mean the console version had a few bugs and stuff here and there, but if you don't absolutely love it immediately, you either don't like this type of rpg AT ALL, or the pc version is utterly terrible.
oh and just so you know. consoles get all the decent rpgs, pc just has those old skool crappy ones :P i do like planescape torment though, bought it recently.
i found that boss to be a royal prick especially on 6th playthrough. however if you have crystal soul spear you can kill it in seconds, lol remember, MAGIC IS OP, if u want a challenging game, don't use magic! as for 4 kings, well first thing first, run right at it, shield urself as u move closr just incase, roll sideways and hit lock on the split second you roll and you'll slingshot around his to his ass in half a second, then use a weapon that is both fast and powerful, something with a jolty type magic effect. just keep hammering it till it dies, and you have to kill 4 seperate versions to win, i think. that tactic only works like 3-4 playthroughs though, after that the **** 3 shots u regardless of what armor or hp u have, so just use magic. lol
I thought the game was good. I still haven't finished it mind you, I got it for ps3 and recently bought a PC. I wanna borrow my friends PC version, but anyways. The brazillian setting sucks, it just does there's no 2 ways about it, in general it's good beacause it's rockstar and it has everything you would expect a rockstar game to have, but it's not a good max payne.
everything about the game lacks, in comparison to mp2. it's like they tried to make it more realistic which isn't what the game needed. the guns don't sound as good as they did in mp2, there's no emphasis on styllish killing, or any style at all really and the mp was a total borefest and simple detracted from the story.
and the worst thing worth mentioning is that it feels like grand theft auto with god awful aiming on the consoles. and the lock-on aspect was good in gta, beacause gta wasn't about stylish skill based killing, and it was good in red dead redemption, beacause in that game you were either on a horse or a moiving train and it was more about ease of access.
it's a good game, but 9.0 is pushing it, and I think MP2 is still the daddy.
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