So they weren't at all considering helping developers out? That's so nice to know.
Seriously, I'd rather they'd at least thought a bit about how to cater to developers' complaints. The idea that they never even considered a used games block is not a good thing.
I'm not saying I agree with DRM but if they never had any outside pressure to implement DRM, they probably weren't listening very well :/
@CaptainBerserk @Garagorn888 That's YOUR choice though.
If you decide to go offline, you're free to do so(apparently) but you're just going to be downgrading to the same game that PS4 and PC players have.
So it's not like the Xbox One is at a disadvantage just because these features are available to you. Though yes, some exclusives will require the internet, most multiplatform games will probably give you the choice to go offline in the very same manner that you can on PS4.
Basically, it's your choice. If you want to be offline, go ahead. You'll just be missing out on the features that the Xbox One's cloud would have provided. However, you're not going to have a 'watered down' version of the game compared to versions on other platforms. You're ONLY missing out on the Xbox One's exclusive content.
@dogbert784 @Garagorn888 @CaptainBerserk Yes, of course the PS4 has multiplayer and cloud services but those 'cloud services' are likely just uploading save files.
The kind of work that devs are doing with the Xbox One requires a lot of dedicated processing power. Which is why Microsoft invested in so many servers. Sony couldn't afford to just cash out on 300,000 servers even if they wanted to, unfortunately.
And for a singleplayer game, it does matter. What I think this means is basically we're going to have consistent DLC(but for free I hope) streamed over the cloud. So, if you're online, you're going to have the equivelant of expansions downloading constantly. Of course, this requires a lot of servers as it's a hell of a lot of streaming to be dealing with on just a few thousand servers.
As far as we know at the moment, Sony don't have 300,000 servers to provide for this kind of cloud processing. So the PS4 won't have these features and will be offline anyway.
So if you decide to play offline on the Xbox One, you're just going to have the same experience you would have had on the PS4 or PC.
(Still decided to just upgrade my PC but the arguments Sony fanboys come up with to put down the Xbox One are ridiculous :/)
'Anti-social behaviour'(which in itself is a ridiculous concept) can be caused by any number of factors.
You can NOT pinpoint certain causes. I could just happen to have thoughts of eating a burger in my mind. Oh hey, somebody's crossing the road eating a burger. I notice the burger stand is empty. Oh bam, I'm about to act anti-socially. The idea that I would react in such a way could be caused by other events which have happened throughout the day or even my life and so on.
So rather than spending tax money on all of this pointless, amateurish research, how about they just manipulate people in order to avoid such conclusions as violence? (I believe that's called therapy, which I also disagree with in part because those that know what they're doing are rather rare but meh :/)
Ah, it's fun seeing what amateur 'psychiatrists' do in their spare time.
It's just so hilarious that they know absolutely nothing about the field they're supposed to be working in. Hah!
Seriously, this and all of those tests on the other side of the debate are moronic. You can't just dump people into a situation and expect them to show signs of anything. That's not how the mind works at all.
It's almost as bad as the 'psychopath' list they've allegedly been spreading around.
@404FredNotFound @Garagorn888 Most monitors I've looked at, around the £100 price range, from 22" up to 32" have had 3ms response times, which is quite good I believe.
(Though I play Halo 1 which has terrible netcode so I've learnt to 'lead' regardless :/)
Garagorn888's comments