I went for "Call the Waaaaahmbulance" because I thought it was kinda funny.
In my workplace, we would never be sent home for this. The managers would have bought us all a bottle of water. And then, probably gone off to work from home aswell.
They would all have guessed years ago because on the first night they could have all said "I have blue eyes" those that did, would go and the rest would have eliminated the fact that their eyes are blue. Then by powers of deduction would be able to keep guessing their own eye colours pretty quickly. They would all heve been gone within a week.
Maybe this is not in the spirit of the riddle. He he
If Islamic people want to be not viewed as terrorists, this kind of stuff needs to stop.
But isn't it unfair that the ENTIRE Muslim population gets labeled as terrorists, just because a couple of extremist wackos?
I might be wrong, but I doubt that many Muslims in Europe or the Middle East, were mourning on September 11th. The majority would have been dancing with joy. This does not mean that they are all terrorists or anything.
We have had hundreds of years of peace with Muslims in the past. What caused the hatred?
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