It feels like forever I have been waiting for the Wii U
Garysafc25's forum posts
The only thing that fails around here is this this topic.
Hey guys. I am looking into getting the Wii U at launch like most of you probably are. The thing is I have a 22 inch tv samsung which is really good in its picture quality and has hdmi ports ect ect. model number is (syncmaster TA350) In your opinions do you think the tv is big enough to play Wii U. I will be sitting at a desk to play games also. Also while your here what tv will you have to play wii u on?
Just in case this topic is in the wrong forum I do apologize to everyone.
no, they'll look worse because the games have to be stretched out to fit the screen, they never made any resolution changes which was stupid. DS games will look even worse than they already do on 3DS...
So would you guys say its like playing a 360 on a 22 inch screen would look better then on a 60 inch because its being stretched more?Hey everyone. It's great news about the 3ds xl coming soon. I really want to get one. I have a 3ds already and although games do look impressive on it I was just wandering because of the bigger screens will the games look as good or pixelated. Of course this question applys to ds games on the 3ds xl aswell for example pokemon black and white 2!
Hey guys. I just bought a ps vita with 2 games on ebay uk. the games are uncharted and wipeout. comes with 8gb memory card too. I don't know if this was a good price to pay for the bundle. It all seemed to easy bidding for it because normally I go through a bidding war before I win anything. I only bidded once on this and won!.... please tell me if its a good deal. Also because of the vita not selling to well around the world this is why I am asking too. Sorry for my grammar here people. link below
Hey guys, I recently been looking into Nintendo Land for the Wii U. When I first saw this game at E3 i thought meh but I am hoping it comes bundled with the Wii U console. I just been looking at gameplay videos for the game and all the games I seen are multiplayer. I'm just wandering do you think there will be single player modes for all games. I'm thinking more of Wii sports like you have the option to play single player or with friends ect. Cheers guys
Looks quite cool but probably fake to be honest. If it gets confirmed for Wii U and comes with all dlc I'l pick it up.
Yes this is what they are doing. Nintendo land for Wii U comes with the console to show different ways to play games with the controller. Just like Wii sports did with the Wii console.they should package nintendo land with wiiU.
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