@killdot1335 Each set of videos is about 2 and a half hours. Are you really trying to tell me you have never, once in your life, watched a movie that is 2.5 hours long? Never seen LotR? Star Wars? Titanic? C'mon man this is just ignorant. Besides, I'm watching these WHILE I'M AT WORK!!!
@NoDzombie Exactly! I love the AC series. I played AC1 when it first came out, bought AC2 when it first came out, and I even jumped on board Brotherhood (granted it was about 6 months after it came out). The first two games, I played through pretty much as quickly as you could because I couldn't put them down. They felt fresh, and I had a blast with them. I beat Brotherhood, but it was in between playing quite a few other games, and many times I simply got bored and had to come back later. I finally got around to playing Revelations (which I didn't even buy, I borrowed it from my brother) a few months ago, but I got halfway through and felt like I was just going through the motions.
You're absolutely right. It is about quality. If companies could put out yearly releases that are of high quality and worth the 60$ they are asking for, I'd be more than happy to pay for them. Its when companies start putting out yearly releases simply because it's the thing to do, with little innovation or improvements between titles, that I start getting a bit upset. If you want me to pay 60$ for a new game, it should feel like a new game, not the game I bought last year in a new wrapper.
As a current student of game design planning to go into the industry when I graduate in another year, I really enjoy the advice that game developers give one successful projects. Unlike some companies of late that seem to want to blame the gamers or make excuses as t o why their games aren't innovative or didn't sell well, its refreshing to see a company actually give solid advice intended to help the industry as a whole.
I find it sad that many of the companies in today's industry don't seem to be making games for the gamers, instead opting to try and pull as much money into their pockets as they can. Seeing stories such as this gives me hope that there are still companies who care about the gamers, and design their games with that in mind rather than how many copies they will sell.
Sweet! While my SLI GTX 470s are doing just fine right now, I can definitely see myself upgrading once the price on these starts to drop a couple years down the line.
As a student currently working on a bachelor's in game design, this article truly hits home. I think the industry needs to learn this lesson ASAP. A great game designer makes games to create an experience, not make money. Its unfortunate that in today's industry, one of the few successful methods of making games is to relay on a greedy publisher to front the money.
I can't believe that the senate is still even considering passing this bill. I would think that once they realized that so many sites (and big name one's too, Wikipedia, Google) are against it, along with the majority of the people who use the internet (which is who they are supposed to be representing in the first place - the people), that they would have already shut down this bill. If this gets passed, I will lose every last ounce of respect that I have for the American government. And I live here.
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