@ariesmonk Have you played Deus ex Human Revolution, It is simply awesome, it has a great sci-fi feel to it, Fo me its probably one of my top three games of 2012
At long last i got around to finishing RE5 the other week, and the controls are so last gen and slow, cant even walk and shoot at the same time, Such an over rated game, Don't get me wron, still think its good, but not as great as it was made out to be, this one seems worse going by the review
Wow..this is very very rare, the ps3 owners dont know what to do with themselves, For the first time a multi format game looks slightly better on the ps3 over the 360... oh well the scores are now.. XBOX---92 PS3---1
As far as im concerned dragon age is the only game that looks better on the ps3..and even then its not a huge difference(anyone that says otherwise is exaggerating and trying to stir arguments)..the rest of the games look more or less the same ,if i was going to nit pick i would say the ground textures on mw2 look sharper and less blurry on the 360 ,but like all the games you wouldnt notice the difference if you played both games on both consoles.
Gaz9000's comments