Everytime someone insults me on XBL who is under 18+ years of age, they always accuse me of being a loser because I'm 27 and playing videogames. Is there suppose to be a cut off? College kids are all about gaming so I guess it's safe to assume that they're not losers since they are going to school.
So are gamers suppose to just quit playing games when they get a full time job after college? I'm sure that some people are just too busy to play games when they enter the work field. But does playing videogames after the age of 25 mean that you have an unfulfilled life? I guess most people picture a successful person going out everynight. Clubbin' it up. Hangin' out with chicks gettin' some. Or maybe just always on the grind trying to make business deals. Whatever.
Or maybe we see older people from another generation and since they're not playing games then it must not be a thing that adults do. But I think the reason for that is simply because they didn't grow up playing videogames like we did. And as time goes on, more games are being geared towards adults. So existing gamers really have a lot of variety to choose from even if they're preferences change as they mature or get a older.
I work fulltime in business and live w/ my girlfriend in the suburbs. I play videogames everynight when I go home. And I'll probably be a gamer forever. Am I a loser that needs to get a life? Maybe. But for now, I can live with that.
gtfo halo (generalized sterotype for humor purposes) and play cod4, no one ever talks... we take our game seriously.. (and yet still manage to have fun..)
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