Halo/microsoft is to games what star wars was to movies in the 70's and 80's, simply they are becoming part of our culture. So the real winner is whoever comes in second to them or rather second place is now first place. In my humble opinion I think that Ubisoft kept the fires of excitement going. It just seems to me that for everything someone else would show they had something to compete with it. They presented splintercell blacklist, had a media blowout on assassin's creed 3 and debut the Avengers battle for earth game( which looks like it's for kids but that can be good. think x-men legends type thing).
Have some respect for regular working class people. Some of us out hear have a thing called a "Job" and don't have the time or money to pour into our gaming lives . Ooh! did you just LEARN SOMETHING, my how you're growing up these days. There must be alot us stupid "mainstream" gamers because it sure doesn't look like all the consoles pilling up at gamestop lately.
Agreed that "xbox next" or whatever needs to have blu-ray to make bigger and hopefully but not likely better games. I would also like it to be more of a all in one hub for entertainment and as for kinect in my humble opinion it is a over glorified menu select tool ( Ghost recon: gunsmith uses it in a dynamic fashion which is the only thing I've seen that makes me want a kinect but not for the shooting gameplay just the gunsmithing menu style.) I kinda disagree about the replacing halo idea because it was the flagship game of the first Xbox and people want the same feeling of confidence in Xbox as they did when they got the first one. in general a sense stability may be lost with a new series because a extreme lack of familiarity. People need an anchor point when they are buying something new and untested in their life , Halo would be for me that anchor point. You don't want your product to be so new ,that it seems almost alien to your regular customers.
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