Gencoil's forum posts
Here's a crazy idea for a motorcycle racing game I just had, but it involves a few accessories (one of them isn't really necessary, but it adds more realism):
You put your Wii remote inside a shell that gives you the feeling of actually holding onto the handles of a bike, by rotating it you change the direction of your front wheel. Now here comes the most interesting part. Instead of standing on the Wii balance board, you sit on it! By doing this, you can lean left and right to adjust your direction - or even make it rise by leaning backwards. Just for fun, why not add a real breaking mechanism for the remote shell that presses the B-trigger when you squeeze it. I bet a lot of people would like to play something like that.
Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones, I gave up when I got to the Axe and Sword Twins. I just kept dying and dying and dying and none of my strategies seemed to work. I wanna get back to that game sometime and defeat those bastards! :)
Then there's the "Death Awaits All" operation in Trauma Center, which to me seems impossible. You have to be insanely quick to make it, and it goes on for so long.
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