i am super hyped up for witcher 3.TRiple AAA Ttile with none of the bad stuff you see from other triple aaa publishers (looking at you EA)just imagine this.Right now, on Steam: Witcher 2 - 7 eurosWitcher 1 - 3 eurosThen go and check Mass Effect series, 30 euros at the leastCD ProjektRed gives us triple aaa quality with none of the greatsharks problems (microtransactions etc)
reminds me of street fighter 4.Now i super liked street fighter 4, but this style i dont like it on killer instict.also why so many sparks at the ultra combo???? i couldnt see the combo properly.anyway this seems good game, but somehow also a bummer.
i dont buy that it was 10 years in the making. Seems fishy.Aliens: Colonial Marines was 6 years in the making.Bottom line too much time at making a game doesnt autoimatically make it a #1 game.
seems Rhode island got amalur'ed.Pretty sure these assets were worth a lot more.But you have no choice but to sell at a low point, what can you do.plus they want to get rid of the assets asap
Pacther isnt telling something new.The rumors i have heard werexbox 500 dollarsxbox one 300 dollars + 2 years xbox live (pay per month) = 540 dollars totalthats a good dealPS: too bad i am skipping xbox one cause of used drm,monitoring device, xbox always on.also i will wait until console prices drop. (current gen consoles still have ways to go& surprise us)
Wasnt halo4 made by a different company?If so these numbers seem good.Ofcourse the different company would try to implent new things.After the intial hype (omg new halo bla bla/good marketing), the halo games should return to the inital player numbers.So the situation seems ok to me.
Geogyf's comments