GeorgeTopouria's forum posts
I've been stuck with the archaic Celeron 2.4 cpu for years, along with a crappy 6600GT, 1GB of memory and sheer 80GB HDD.
Just yesterday I finally got round to persuade my family members to gather some money and buy a new PC, one part by one (Financially unstable, you see).
Athlon 64 X2 4200+ is the CPU I bought yesterday, mostly out of the positive reviews and an affordable price. I'm planning to get some good 2GB memory along with a 9600GT and an ample 250GB Hard Drive pretty soon. Now I'm pretty unaware of the performance shifts I'll get when I finally make the change; is it going to be very noticeable? Will I finally get to run Photoshop and Movie Maker simultaneously without the occasional annoying lagging? Will I finally be able to run Vista Ultimate and enjoy all the features it offers without worrying about my PC not being able to run it as smooth as needed?
Will I finally be able to enjoy my PC?
Or you may be inclined to consider that the Georgian side was deliberately spewed towards conducting its military actions in South Ossetia by the Russian-backed separatists, the very Pro-Russian forces that allegedly shelled Georgian villages without any motive but to give Kremlin its long-time aspiration to purport something as a pretext for a full-scale invasion and toppling of the incumbent Pro-Western government in Tbilisi.
No matter which side you stand for or whom you deem responsible for all of this mess, it's an undisputed fact that Russia's international reputation has been tarnished heavily due to last month's happenings and there have been words floating around insinuating of a possible Cold War era revival, which would imply complete isolation, both diplomatic and economical, between Russia and the West.
What will come out of all of this? Will it fade away slowly and be given to history, or will this truly spark a new set of confrontations between two totally different worlds?
Ok guys, bit of an onrush of spore topics, so from this point forward, any additional topics about spore will be locked. Thanks :).G013M
This topic is more dead than Kennedy and it barely gets any visitors and, of course, any answers to questions. Could I open up a separate topic related to Spore for my question to be answered in less than a decade's time or should I wait for some miracle to happen here?
I absolutely loved the original, it was truly a magnificent game of suspence, thrill, and excitement on wheels.
I hope they don't screw up on this one.
So george, if you don't mind me asking, whats it like out there at the moment. How has the last week or been?
Has your life ever felt directly in danger. Do you work/go to college etc, does life just go on as normal or do you just stay at home and try keep your head down?
Its very hard to gauge the situation reading news reports. Does your local press has more detailed information as to the situation. I take it where you are now, you're not acually in a warzone itself?
I just wonder what actually happens, if you are advised as to what to do etc.
There is actually nothing dangerous if you're in Tbilisi right now. Life is going as usual, but we got an insane amount of refugees everywhere.
which video? Your report or the sniper one - as I don't think the later is really "your" video.angryfodder
It already has the ON CNN Stamp.
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