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GeorgeW1000 Blog

guess who's back

I bet you can't guess... ok ill tell you... IT'S me. But now that im back from my 3 day suspension I feel bad for selling my N64 so long ill buy a used one soon :D. Is there any games you recommend for the N64?

new banner

I hope you like my new banner, I cant afford photoshop so I made it out of MS paint and The gimp :D

rate 1-10 PLZ

4th of july

It was a pretty good day, first I went exploring the city with my uncle for the whole day. found a bunch of new areas to re-visit in the future. down there I rented two games: the Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, and BIA: Road to Hill 30. returning home, my Xbox was calling. Riddick was ok, it's too early to give it a final verdict but this First-person stealth game feels a little over-rated. uncle came back and brought KFC, he originally went to get pizza, but no pizza places were open so chicken will do. During dusk the fireworks were howling! the colors of fireworks filled the air! I didn't get any fireworks because I don't want to go to Washington and wussy liberal Oregon sells only G@y fountain fireworks, so spectating will do just fine. I noticed that the dominate colors were red, yellow, green, and purple during my hour-and-a-half firework watch. The grand finale echoed across North Portland before I retreated to my basement to give our veterans a solute and play BIA: road to hill 30.

*************Veterans thank you for your service, Happy fourth of July!*****************

good news & bad news

good news: I bought Ninja Gaiden today for 27$. I didn't want it at first, for I like to take my actions out on my controller from frustrating moments, But Im glad I did. Its such an adrenalin rush...........ohhhh yea.

Bad news: im having computer trouble, I haven't taken the time to totally investigate the matter but I might need a new hard drive :(. now I cant use my gaming PC and am typing this from my old labtop.