Georgemen's forum posts
No, none of the two GBA Fire Emblem games are remakes. Both of them made their first appearance on the GBA. As for my favorite handheld rpg? The crown EASILY goes to Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga for the GBA. Unsurpassed yet, but maybe Final Fantasy VI will change my mind. And Fire Emblem would be my favourite, but is not a pure rpg. It is a strategy/rpg.
i know the game hasn't come out doesn't hurt to preorder, does it?
and DS games aren't region locked.
I am quite aware of that, thank you. However games, while they can be either region-free or region locked, are not region-less. They are meant to be sold to their respective regions. Normal Online Stores like Amazon can't send any single game outside its own region. Import shops were created for this exact reason.
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