You know its a wierd thing isnt it... the way people allow their minds to wander into the crossover area between depiction and reality.
I played UO for 6 years and during that time I made a GM tamer...I had a dragon that had been with me for like 3 years and at the time he died pet rezzing wasnt in the game yet... I was DEVASTATED!.... I was fully emotionally involved to the point it could have been my dog that died... and I really felt odd about how badly it hit me...
Equally I had an experience in EQ1 where we were in a group and exploring a forrest and came across a Unicorn for the firs time...Anyway someone in the group attacked and killed it and a couple of others went BALLISTIC! with rants about animal cruelty and how evil it was to kill unicorns...
Then we come to your question.....
My answer to which is... All you need to do is keep in mind you are not killing children. You are rearanging a pile of pixels from a representation of a child to a representation of a pile of body parts (or ash if you use energy weapons lol).
The net result is.... not a single child is hurt....
Is there a problem ?
Not in my mind....
But the people that set the standards for the rest of us to live by are not normal people. I mean example....
If this guy does not have at least one peadophilic skeleton in his closet then Im Solid Snake.... and he is about the most normal of the lot of them. The guy is a living anachronism and should probably teleported back to medieval england where he belongs and where his tiny brain still resides.
So keep in mind that you dont kill children, you dont even think about killing children, you reconfigure pixels.
Anyone that doesnt understand the difference is a moron...... and therefore well qualified to be on the ratings board.
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