I've played a crap load of Destiny (800+ hrs) since it debuted last year. Bungie has done a ton of patching to this game. A TON! What really makes me upset is how many times this game will drop your connection during crucial moments. I can't remember a game frustrating me this much. I've played games that have been exceedingly hard and forced me to repeat areas over and over again until I've finally defeated a boss or section. Those things you have some ability to control. I can't control the issues that cause me to drop time and time again.
I played level 34 of the Prison of Elders tonight and got all the way to the final stage. We beat the servitor and then had to kill the target. I see the target die on my screen and then it went blank and gave me the error message. And I get nothing. Seventy-five minutes playing a game with absolutely nothing to show but frustration because there was no way to alter the outcome. FIX this crap Bungie! Dropping at the end of Raids when the boss is on the verge of dying. Getting kicked out of Strikes, etc. at exactly the worst time. It's like the game is possessed by gremlins that take some sadistic pleasure at seeing people expend so much energy and time, only to be rewarded with empty hands and an obscure error code thumbing the proverbial finger at you.
Thanks Destiny, because tonight, YOU SUCK!
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