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Ghost_Face Blog

Do the Hustle

Most people who have known me for a while, know that I like Kung-Fu movies. Some people don't like these films, especially the ones that are more wuxia based. Hey, I don't begrudge people's opinions when they differ from mine. I can't stand the film Donnie Darko, but some people adore it. Go figure.

Well Kung Fu Hustle came out on DVD this week and I picked it up. Boy, am I glad I did! This film is awesome! I spoke to a co-worker of mine that went to a film marathon and this was one of the films playing. He told me he walked out on it. He thought I would probably like it though because of my passion for Martial Arts films. He was right. I had initially planned on seeing this in the theaters but let it get away from me. I was pretty confident in purchasing the DVD though because of the clips I'd seen. Forget all the naysayers that were turned off by the Looney Tunes flavor of some of the scenes. They made the film better in my opinion and made the film more light hearted. Those scenes gave Kung Fu Hustle it's own distinct style and flavor, and that's a plus in my eyes.

This is the best Martial Arts film I've seen in a while. Yes, I personally liked it more than the House of Flying Daggers even though I don't like judging a comedic film against a more serious one. If you've had any interest in this film before and thought twice because of some of the silliness in the movie, at least give the film a rental. I think some people may be surprised at the film.

I feel like I've been thrown in the thrash...

After reading this damn thread in VU, I ran out during work and grabbed DOA: Ultimate from the local Meijer. I had thought about buying the game before and figured I would play some online tonight. Well, I didn't open the game right away, and maybe I should have. I got home and opened the package and my senses were screaming at me right away because the boxes did not have any covers. Well lo and behold I open the first box and a screener copy of the Animatrix is in the box?!?!? Dammit, I've been shafted and big time. I go ahead and open the second box and there is a burned copy of the Punisher! *#&$@0&$#(E&!^#@%+$&#*

You have got to be kidding me! Now I'm pissing fire and brimstone and cursing up a storm enough to make a sailor blush! Why? Well first off, I was burned by this exact same store a year ago when I purchased a pack of Magic the Gathering cards and booster pack of cards that should have been in there weren't. I had a load of cards that came from totally different sets and were all commons and lands. Anyone that plays Magic knows what I mean. After closer inspection, I noticed that the person had carefully opened the pack by the spine and had just glued it back together. Something that you probably wouldn't notice on a cursory inspection. Well after explaining this to the store manager at the time, they basically didn't believe my story and didn't refund my measly $3.50 and didn't give me another deck of cards. So I definitely don't have high hopes for getting this situation resolved in a favorable manner. I know store managers faces this kind of stuff everyday. I also know that it's hard to wade through the false claims and the real ones. I don't know who to blame for this hardline stance at Meijer, the store managers or the company policy. It pisses me off that some wad of crap is getting away with this type of stuff. Especially with this DOA game because I don't see how they opened it and resealed it enough to fool someone. I hope that jerk gets the Wrath of God hammered on his backside someday. It galls me to think he's somewhere laughing his butt off thinking he got away with something. Just wait buddy, your day will come. I don't think I will be shopping at that store anymore. It's not worth it. I called the store as soon as I opened the game. I can't go back tonight though I honestly want to. I'm stopping by there first thing in the morning and will let you guys know what happens.

Community College...

Well I signed up for a class at the local community college. It's been a long time coming. I basically flunked out of college so many years ago. I wasn't ready for the commitment back then. It's easy to say that now, eleven years and fifteen thousand in student loans later. But things have gotten so I no longer care for my current career field. I doubt I can do this for another eight, ten, or twenty years. I'm looking to complete my degree and get the hell out. I'll let you guys and gals know how it comes along.

I enjoy this feeling...

I have gotten a new PS2 this week. So the first order of business was to purchase some games. The first game I wanted was Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII, IX or VII. But after calling around to four different Gamestops and one Electronics Boutique, I gave up hope of finding this game locally and soon. So I picked up FF-X and called it a day.

This morning I grabbed my 1 year old son Antwan and ran some errands. Stopped by Lowes, and Costco. I figured while I was out, I'd stop by Meijer and Circuit City to see if they possibly had this game. I doubted it. Especially after looking online at the games availability on Bestbuy and Circuit City's websites. I doubted Meijer had the game because it's not a game that the typical gamer is going to enjoy playing.

First stop after Lowes was Meijer. Chalk that up to disappointment. Can't say I was too surprised. Still it would have been nice. So finish up there and head to Costco. Paper plates and plastic forks for the work place. A casual stroll by the poorly stocked and maintained video game section doesn't hold any surprises for me just like Meijer. Bah! This is getting annoying. After loading my Costco purchases and Antwan in the car, I pull out my cell phone and pull up Electronics Boutique's number. *yes, I have their number on my contacts list. I find it saves time in looking in the phone book or online. Hell, what's technology for if not for convenience?* They have one used copy of RotTK's VII for $24.99. Well, I'll stop by Circuit City and if they don't have it there, I'll have to swing by EB and purchase their copy and hurry home to get my daughter off the school bus.

I walk into Circuit City and look along the aisle's. Of course, no RotTKs. Damn! I start to head out and see a bargain bin and decide to look through the 70-100 games in there. Lo and behold, on the bottom left hand row, three games up from where I start looking is RotTK VII for $19.99! You've got to be kidding me. It's not the fact that I saved $5.00 but I had resigned myselft to not finding anything. This really mad me feel so good it wasn't even funny. Of course Antwan doesn't know why the hell I'm hugging him and kissing his check. Well he'll just have to get used to it. I love him and I feel great.

What a wonderfull day!

Procrastination is a nasty habit.

Once again I let my bad habit of procrastination bite me in the rear. I wanted to get this done. The Developer for the Day draft was started. I thought my ideal was original and creative. I knew when the deadline was. And I just pissed it away. That's something I have to change this year.

Wow... what a wife.

My wife is the most dedicated, hardcore Bengals fan I know. We're both from Cincinnati and we currently live in Michigan. It takes about 4.5 hours to drive down to Cincinnati. My wife just called me at work to discuss purchasing season tickets to the games next year and what we're going to do.

Cost? Roughly a $1000... :shock:

I love my wife!

My kids...

Oh boy... This time of year really is my favorite. And it was all the more special because of my kids. My daughter. The five year old hellion. Tear-jerkingly sweet at times... then what the heck are you doing at others. I honestly think this girl has a future in television or the big screen in the future. My wife's Aunt was in town over the weekend. Well she was doing my daughter's hair and of course Alana was crying up a storm. After the aunt was finished, Alana continued crying. The aunt asked Alana if she was hungry and in the most deadpan, stop crying moment, Alana said, "Um, Nope!". Of course you had to be there but it cracked my wife, the aunt and myself up.

My son, Antwan. Thirteen months old. Walking now for a little over a month. The Frankenstein monster with arms extended or held over the head kind of gait. Charming. Endearing. The months and years when kids need the most attention and when they are the most adorable. I'm scared to think what it's going to be like when she's nine and he's five. I can see it coming. And I will enjoy the ride all the way there.