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Ghost_Warrior Blog

Step Brothers + Drunk Man Sitting Next To Me = Hilarious

I went to see Step Brothers last night and I found it to be very funny however, the best part of the night was not the movie. The movie started at 8 and I got there just as the previews were starting. A friend and I walked into the theater to find that the group of people we were meeting had taken up an entire row of seats so we took two seats in the row in front of them. A couple minutes later a guy stops at our row and asks if we could move over because he has a friend who's handicapped. So we do it because it's no big deal although we were sort of saving the seats for two of our other friends who were running late as well. Anyways whats odd about this is why would a friend bring his handicapped friend up at least 10-15 flights of stairs? Well things just got weirder from there.

The two sat down next to us, the first guy sitting next to me. They actually took up 3 seats because they used one for their popcorn. The first thing I noticed about the guy when he sat down is that he smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. So I'm thinking, "Great, I'm stuck sitting next to a drunk guy". Well he wasn't just drunk, he was wasted. He would laugh way too loud and when his friend, (who I also think had a mental disability) would say something wasn't funny he would laugh and say, "No, it isn't funny". The guy also got up twice to go outside and smoke a cigarette, once stepping on his friend's foot which caused the guy to yell out in the theater. This whole time my friend and I are laughing and looking behind us at the rest of our friends who are wondering what the hell is going on. Then over an hour into the movie, people starting getting pissed. The row in front of us was a large group as well but of people in their mid 20's. First one of them told the guy to shutup, then a girl asked, "Hey how wasted are you?" This caused the drunk guy to say, "Hey!....Yoooouu shut the f**k up!" This caused one of her friends (a guy) to turn around and say, "Hey, look at me a**hole. You shut the f**k up, you don't talk to her like that! Just shut up and watch the movie!"

About now I am speechless but finding all of this highly amusing. The guy actually does shutup for a while until he randomly yells, "BOGABOGABOGABOGA" while holding his arms out in the air. This causes someone farther down to get up and leave and he returns with the manager who kicks the two out of the theater. As they are leaving the whole theater appauldes and a few people (including me) are chanting, "Fall, fall, fall!" because the guy was stumbling as he went down the stairs. It actually took 10 minutes for the guy to leave because first he had to help his handicapped friend down who yelled, "Hey retard I can't walk!" and wouldn't let anyone but his friend help him. My friend used this time to smell his soda which he figured was spiked with vodka. Once he had helped his friend he came back up and grabbed his stuff including the drink which we had forgotten to close the lid on thus causing some of it to spill on him. Once he left we went back to enjoying the movie.

Aftewards everyone came up to me asking how I had managed to sit next to him the whole time and it was all we could talk about afterwards. We also got a free movie ticket from the manager apologizing for the whole thing. We learned from the girl at the ticketbooth that she had called a taxi for them but also that they had come the night before and done the exact same thing. Although the movie itself was rememorable, I will never forget seeing it due to the drunk guy who sat next to me.

A Video Blog!


So I finally figured out how to get this to work and since I did I thought, "Might as well make a video blog". So here it is, I basically go on about movie marathons and movies that I bought recently. Hope it doesn't suck too much.

The Car Wreck

So yesterday a friend of mine and me left for the beach to stay at our other friend's beach house for the weekend. My friend picked me up around 6:30pm and we set off. 2 and a half ours later my friend rear-ended someone at an intersection. We saw the car at the last second, tried to get out of the way but smashed into the left side of his bumper. My friend's car (a 2006 Nissian Altima) looks worse than it is, fortuantely the car can be fixed. The other car is the same way. Anyways the crash happened at 9:20pm and our dad's didn't get down there until 12:30. We actually got a video of when the crash happened because I was using my friend's macbook and was recording a video using Photobooth when the crash happened. For some reason there is no sound but at the end of the video you can see me point straight ahead and then a second later the video feed cuts off. Pretty crazy. If we upload the video I'll show it to you guys. The crazy thing is both of us didn't feel like anything had happened, the impact was hard but we didn't feel it and then everything after that seemed to fly by. I took a picture of the car with my phone so if I upload it I'll show it to you all. But yeah it was kind of a bummer. No one was hurt though and fortuantely my friend only ended up with a citation that can be paid off and 1 point added to his license so it could have been much worse.

The Prank Pt. 2 (With Pictures!)

One thing you must always remember is expect the unexpected. So last night The Prank went down. 7 people helped, we had 9 but two guys dropped out at the last minute because some random people showed up at their house that they couldn't turn away. Anyways, I bought 16 rolls of toliet paper, 400 sq feet of plastic wrap, 2 bags of flour, and brought the 700 forks I had from when my house was forked.

We learned that a couple of our other friends were over at Pete's house that night so we knew that we either got it done before they left or did after they were gone. We decided to do it before because one of my friends couldn't be out much later than 12. So 11:40 or so we showed up at his house and started going to work. I immediately started forking and once we used all the TP and floured his car, others began helping. About 3 minutes later (thats basically all the time we had) one of my friends spotted someone coming outside so we sprinted to the cars and left. We didn't leave however. I got a call from Pete soon after asking if I did it and after pretending I didn't I but eventually told him because he wanted to congratulate me. So then we came back and drove by taking pictures as we went but then we saw Pete so we had to get out of there (which is why most of the pictures suck). As we drove off we decided we'd come back and do more and right when we got to the grocery store Pete calls me again. Except it wasn't Pete.

On the other end is Pete's dad and he started going on and on about how we "defaced" his property and if we didn't get over there in 15 minutes he was calling the cops. What an a$$hole. So we go back over and got in an agrument with him about how he was totally overreacting to the situation and about how Pete has pulled so many pranks on us and that this was simply a way of getting back at him. His dad's agruement was that because they were trying to sell the house what we did was lowering the value of the house because of the "damage" we had done. I explained that nothing we did had caused any damage but he was too hot to hear any of it. He told us to clean it up, we said that wasn't our job, that was Pete's, that when someone TP's your house you have to clean it up. I explained I spent 2 hours cleaning up my house because I knew it was the right thing to do. Basically we put his dad in his place but he ended up threatening to call the police so we cleaned up what we could (even though most of it was already cleaned up).

So after thinking it over I realized this Prank was actually more successful than I thought at first. Yes, we got caught but we did a hell of a job for 5 minutes work, plus his dad found out about all the pranks Pete had done to us so now he's mad at Pete and considering how he flipped out about us TPing his house, I can imagine that Pete won't be trying to get back considering his dad's reaction. Plus, besides the whole freakout by the dad it was an extremely fun night and after we did Pete's house we went back to the grocery store, bought flour and plastic wrap and floured/wrapped my friend's ex girlfriend's car (who had cheated on him) and as a finishing touch, outlined a large penis on the hood (we were going to name the penis after the kid she cheated with but decided against it). Anyways pictures are below, I'm giving links to the pictures because posting them in the blog would make it too long.

We named this prank Operation: "What the F***!?" because that was my reaction after Pete's dad called me.

This is one of the trees, we didn't get to put much TP in unfortuantely.

This tree got it worse, there was more TP but we didn't get pictures of it.

Me driving the car.

The deer from hell.

The best picture we got of his car. Pete had wiped away some of it so he could pull it into his driveway. He'll have a nice surprise when he turns on this AC.

I may add more pictures later.

The Fall of Jack Thompson

As if getting owned on Attack of the Show wasn't good enough. Jack Thompson, the infamous attorney from Florida who, for the past decade has gone on a personal vendetta against videogames is now facing being banned from practicing law in the state of Florida. A judge recommended that Thompson should not be allowed to continue practicing law in Florida because of the following:

"Respondent [Thompson] was found guilty of three violations of rule 4-8.4(c) for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation," said Judge Tunis in her ruling. "Respondent was also found guilty of making false statements (two violations of 4-3.3(a)(1) and two violations of 4-8.2(a)). Further, he has repeatedly indicated, verbally and in writing, that his conduct is justified to promote and champion his personally engendered moral values and causes."

The one that stands out to me the most is "making false statments". How many times did Jack Thompson go on the air during coverage of a school shooting and use the same crap over and over in his interview. He'd claim that a kid learned to shoot a weapon from playing Doom (even though you can only aim left and right), and he'd claim that the U.S. Army was using violent video games such as Halo to train its soldiers. Once he claimed that the Virgina Tech shooter played videogames because of how calm he was when he walked through the halls shooting people (even though the last time he'd ever owned a videogame was in high school). And anytime a car was stolen, he'd say it was because they learned to do it playing Grant Theft Auto.

Its too bad Mr. Thompson never realized (like the rest of us did) that these shooters were mentally ill. If Jack's data was correct I would be a prime canidate of someone likely to go on a shooting spree as I've played hours and hours of violent videogames. But you know, I've never once had a thought like that. Jack Thompson used videogames as a scapegoat, he brain washed his clients into thinking that videogames caused the death of their child when in reality it was a lack of supervision and care. Instead of going in front of a judge and attempting to get Grand Theft Auto 4 banned from stores, he should have been proposing ways to get help for kids like the VT shooter. Now he'll be in front of a judge pleading for his job.

Was Going To Do a Video Blog But...

So yeah my Macbook has the built in camera and I got the great idea of making a video blog but the recording program that I use Photo Booth doesn't seem to want to record all of my blog. Lets say I recorded a 1:30 blog, well it will record like 30 seconds of it. I really don't understand why and its really frustrating but if I ever get it to work I'll post it up here.

Anyways nothing new is going on right now, I'm close to beating Bioshock but I need to collect more Adam before I can move on or it will be "extremely difficult" as the game is suggesting. I also started a new character in Mass Effect, hes going to be a pure Renegade and I don't plan on doing anything but the main quest with him (the side quests suck for the most part anyways). I'm playing it on Hardcore difficulty and I've found it to be a lot of fun actually, I like having to hide behind cover instead of just being able to run straight at the enemies and not take any damage (like I did with my first character).

Been watching a lot of TV shows lately, I've gone through every episode of The Office and I've gotten so hooked to the show that the opening theme song is now my ringtone. I've also gotten through Season 1 of Prison Break and I'm currently going through Season 2. I'd like to go through Season 1 of Heroes again possibly, that 1st season is so good and I hope Season 3 can be just as good considering the minor disappointment that Season 2 was.

But yeah, thats about it, as you can see I have nothing to blog about right now, The Prank is still on but no date has been set, still got to wait for my man Pete to get back in town.

The Gaming Industry Should Have Some Love For Summer

The summer months are considered sort of a down time for the gaming industry, although gaming expo's like E3 go on during these months, no real big game releases come out during this time. Big game releases don't usually come out until November which is the busiest time for shoppers with the holidays only a month away so it makes sense that they are released during that time. However, there were so many big titles that came out last year around that time that some almost got lost among the crowd.

This brings me to my question; why not release big titles during the summer months? For starters, one of the gaming industry's biggest markets; the 16-22 range are currently out of school for the summer and no school means much more free time. Yes, many of these people have jobs but I think we'll all agree that you have much more freetime during the summer even if you have a job. I personaily play more games during the summer months than any other time during the year. Games could be released around the July 4th holiday which is probably the biggest time for shoppers. I'm not saying that companies should release the biggest game titles but definitely some of the more anticipated games. I always find I want to buy a game or two during the summer but the problem is there are never any really good titles coming out. So what do you think, do I make any sense with this opinion?

The Prank

So at the end of my last blog I promised I'd talk about a prank I want to do. The victim is a friend of mine, the reason for the prank is because this past year he found it very amusing to constantly make fun of the age difference between my ex-girlfriend and me. He wasn't the only one as many of my other friends did as well, but where most of my friends would poke fun but then give me props for dating a girl as gorgeous as she is, my friend who is named Peter, would poke fun and then call me a pedafile and would tell random people this as well. Peter has also managed to piss off many of my other friends so many of them are going to join in on the prank. Anyways, throughout the time we dated my ex and I laughed it off but we vowed we would get him back and now that summer is in full swing, its time we acted on that

Here are a few things I have planned, this will all be done in one night:

-TPing his entire yard/house

-Saran wrapping his car and yard

-Forking his yard (I have 700 forks left over from a prank on my house)

-Pouring flour all over his car (then adding the saran wrap)

-Leaving a poem on his doorstep (I'll explain this below)

The poem idea originates from a Facebook war my ex and Pete had which ended with my ex totally bashing him in a 14 line sonnet that surprisely was in almost perfect iambic pentameter. The poem was so good in fact that Pete ended the "war" himself as he was so impressed and amazed he had been owned so bad. So I have written a new poem that I will leave on his doorstep, the poem is supposed to be written by my ex and me but I took up writing it myself. The poem is below:

Peter Moret we've struck again,
This time with two instead of one,
Your reign over us has come to an end,
The battle between us is said and done.

You calculated the age between us,
And made false claims of statutory rape,
But now your jokes have turned to dust,
And you are nothing more than a giant ape.

Although we take claim for this,
Tonight's prank was done with many hands,
Of others who you embarrassed and dissed,
Who come from faraway lands.

So look around at the site that has been laid
At the trees covered in white,
And know the statement we have made,
That we have won this fight

We await your handshake.

The last line "We await your handshake" refers to what he told me he would do to the person that TPed his house this summer (I've been apart of a lot of TPs and I think he expects someone is going to get his house). But thats pretty much it, I would like some feedback on this, I'd like some suggestions and some other ideas of what I could do. I'm not expecting to do this for another couple weeks because he leaves tomorrow for a 2 week vacation. Once I do it though, I'll take pictures and post them here.

Summer Days...

Summer is here and my summer started off great. After graduation and a thousand grad parties I took a trip down to Mrytle Beach, SC with 14 other friends and enjoyed 5 days of well...everything. Overall, an awesome trip. Then I return with anticipation of leaving June 22nd (today) for Wilmington where I would help run the school's team basketball camp. I had been very excited to go on this trip simply because I would get to know all the coaches and players, see some great basketball, and of course get paid. Then the day after I return I get a call from one of the coaches informing me that they just found out that no incoming student to the school can help at the camp. Meaning I can't go. So I sit here this Sunday afternoon not down in Wilmington but typing this blog on my Macbook. Bummer.

Not being able to go down to Wilmington changes a lot about my summer. First off, it was my source of income. I would estimate I would have gotten around $300 per camp and I was going to do two so thats a good $600 bucks. Not getting that money. :roll: So now I need a job. I've applied to Blockbuster but the chances of getting that are slim because 3 of my friends already got jobs there and although they say they're still hiring (well the sign out front says that) I highly doubt they need anyone else. So I'm playing the waiting game there.

And how exactly am I playing the waiting game? Well right now the majority of my friends (or the ones I want to hang with) are out of town (like I should have been...) so I'm stuck in my house unless I motivate myself (which doesn't happen often) or someone calls with plans. So I need something to do. Well first off, I bought Bioshock with some giftcard money I had. Although the game is disturbing as hell, its a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how it ends. I've also borrowed Season 2 of The Office from a friend and I've been throughly enjoying that. I've never really watched The Office and now I'm wondering why.

But anyways, thats how my summer days are going right now. Things should get more entertaining come next week or once July hits. Stay tuned for my next blog though as I will share with you my plans for the prank I want to pull off this summer. ;)

Handing Over the Reigns

I've been a member of Gamespot for about 5 years. I've gotten to level 33 and racked up over 7,000 posts but I'm not proud of any of that. No, what I am proud of is that I put my time here to good use and put together one of the best Gamespot Unions out there. Yes, this sounds a little arrogant, but I've seen a lot of unions and there are few I consider better than the one I founded a year and a half ago. The Triple A Union was my kingdom, my place where I could chat about two of my favorite things; games and movies. The union was the vision I had seen when I first started The Triple A 3 1/2 years ago, as a simple geocities website. The union grew far more than I ever invisioned and the more it grew, the more I wanted to work to continue that growth.

So you can now see why I didn't want to give up leading the union, even though I had managed to neglect it to the point that it was barely breathing. When I finally posted that the union was done, I figured there would be a small murmur from the few people who still visited it however, I was very surprised to see that not only were there still those who did not want the union to die, but that they were very willing to work to get it back to it's glory. I realized now that it was not time to end the union, but to hand it over.

After a very hard decision of choosing who would lead, I came to my decision, stepped down, and appointed dukebd699 as the new leader. To be honest, I didn't think anyone could return the union to its former glory but I was optimistic that duke could do something, and something he did. In the 5 days that he has lead the union, there has been over a 100 new members, page views are at their highest ever and activity on the boards is skyrocketing. I look at what has been done and see that aside from the union design and a few threads on the board, the union has been almost reborn.

I now see why a change in leadership is always a good thing, no matter how good the last leader was. I simply want to commend duke for the job he has done, and I look forward to seeing how far he can go. I could say that the union will always truely be mine but that would be wrong; the idea was mine, the union is now duke's.