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#1 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts


Amazing game, totally deserve the sales.. now im stuck with fighting Cid Rains -_-


I feel your pain. He pulls extraordinary amounts of BS.

Agree the game is amazing and deserves it. Also you might wanna put spoiler tags on that lol.

The battle was actually pretty easy for me and the future battles as well, but I grinded kind of a lot and I took advantage of the class system. I had 2 people as maxed out ravagers, and 1 person as maxed out saboteur/medic.

Saboteur will just keep putting on status ailments while the ravagers attack effortlessly. Whenever Cid decides to start healing that's when you heal your characters, they'll heal up a lot quicker than Cid so you just start attacking again once you're done healing. It didn't take longer than 5 minutes or so to beat him. I actually had a lot more trouble with the really large random enemies, I had to use items before the battle to get a head-start on them.

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#2 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
At one point they had MGS4 as 2 million sold when it was at 4 million, nuff said really. Sometimes they're a good base to go off of, sometimes they're reliable, but sometimes they're not (and when they're not, they're usually WAY off for some reason).
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#3 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
Lame, I don't understand the love for this series, it's like the people who love Animal Crossing. Would rather have a new Starfox or Donkey Kong with the same time/resources as a bigger budget game like Galaxy. Tired of the cheap crap Nintendo keeps putting out, I wanna see them spend some money on a 20+ hour game again like this was N64 days.
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#4 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
Not true, although the overreactive posts in this thread proves this is Cowspot. rolo107
Were you here in 2007? There were maybe 4-5 people who ever defended any Sony games like Uncharted, Warhawk, Folklore etc. EVERYBODY was against anything Sony related or PS3 related, the hate was monstrous. Anybody who ever defended PS3 games were laughed at and bombarded by hoards of people. It was that bad. Obviously the tides have turned now but it's way more equal now than it was back then. The only people getting the shaft on system wars now is Wii owners (and rightfully so, Nintendo is fail this-gen, and Wii owners try to grasp the thinnest straws they can find).
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#5 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts


[QUOTE="mythrol"]The problem with Halo is that it's so popular that no one can have a regular opinion of it. Cows are all going to talk trash about the graphics and lemmings are going to hype it up as high as they can. The truth however is that the game looks awesome and focuses on size of level, amount of enemies and vehicles on screen, and splitscreen instead of trying to push the graphics to the highest level. What we really should be discussing is which would gamers prefer? Personally, I think Bungie made the right choice. KZ2 for all it's awesome graphics, is a ghost town online. mythrol

Then explain how I just got offlinefrom playing6 32 player battles:|

If you'd come back and address the image I posted of 230 players being online in KZ2, I'd greatly appreciate it. Now we might argue that the definition of "ghost town" would mean no one was online. However, ghost towns are haunted, so of course there will be a few around. My point was that KZ2 has an extremely low number of players online. This isn't new either. I actually got rid of KZ2 a few months back because the online was so dead. There were multiple times that I'd log online and there'd only be TWO matches going on.

That has nothing to do with the quality of the game though. Killzone 2 is amazing and you can always find a match online, which ends the discussion, it's not like there's 0 players online and it's not like the game is bad.

This topic was about graphics anyway so i'm not sure how player count got involved. Halo will always have a bajillion people because Halo is a part of pop culture and mainstream audiences gravitate to it the same way they do Call of Duty.

Halo will always have millions on the multiplayer, that doesn't mean Killzone 2 failed or isn't a better game than it, it just means more people know about Halo (and also PS3 owners quit FPS' fairly quickly to go onto other games, but in their defense there's way more diversity in PS3 lineup imo or PS3 owners in general are more open to other genre's than just shooters).

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#6 GiantMuffin
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Probably about as exclusive as GTA 4 add ons. Maybe 6 to possible 12 month exclusive.

The difference is 360 exclusives have a habit of doing that, but it's not the same for PS3. The only truly exclusive PS3 stuff to jump ship has been FF13. I can't remember anything else but i'm sure there is it just doesn't come to mind. Everything that people thought would be exclusive to PS3 (like GTA, Resident Evil, Tekken etc.) was just speculation.
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#7 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
[QUOTE="mythrol"]The problem with Halo is that it's so popular that no one can have a regular opinion of it. Cows are all going to talk trash about the graphics and lemmings are going to hype it up as high as they can. The truth however is that the game looks awesome and focuses on size of level, amount of enemies and vehicles on screen, and splitscreen instead of trying to push the graphics to the highest level. What we really should be discussing is which would gamers prefer? Personally, I think Bungie made the right choice. KZ2 for all it's awesome graphics, is a ghost town online.

I agree with everything you said but KZ2 isn't a ghost town because of it's amazing graphics, it's because PS3 owners are lame and don't support these great games (i did and still play KZ2 online), also because Halo is Halo and Killzone 2 is "just another FPS" in the eyes of the mainstream consumer.
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#8 GiantMuffin
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[QUOTE="GiantMuffin"]TC You should've seen in 2008/2009 when lemmings tried to put DLC as exclusive AAA for their lineup on lists, not only is that a testament to how awful their lineup was (because it was DLC), but it's not even exclusive anymore. Just epic fail across the board. That's why it's a loss for them.TheDogout
But shouldn't cows be mad that they had to wait so long for something that was available on the xbox 360 at that moment

Well it depends if you consider GTA4 that important, most people on the forums didn't (even 360 gamers). If 360 had something like FF13 exclusive DLC, THAT would be way way bigger than GTA4, because it was originally an exclusive and having DLC for that would be an extra kick in the nuts, but GTA4 was always a multi-plat. I honestly don't think the DLC will do that well on PS3/PC, i'm on a few different forums and the majority of cows really don't care about it, they have lots of other games from february/march both exclusive and multi-plat to worry about rather than DLC to a 2008 game.
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#9 GiantMuffin
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It depends on this E3 imo. If we see it at Sony's conference with a trailer and some kind of release window, and there's nothing about it at 360's conference (obviously) then it'll stay exclusive forever imo. (Unless it bombs sales-wise). One thing to consider is Nomura's programmers asked him whether they should program the game as a PS3 exclusive or whether to think about a 360 port because the coding would have to be different, and Nomura specifically said to program it as if it were an exclusive. So even if they do consider porting it, it might end up like MGS4s programming where they would have more trouble porting it and would rather not do it at all being that it was tailored to one console only.
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#10 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

doesnt even look better than killzone 2...

Not much does besides Crysis. I'm personally in the minority who thinks KZ2 still looks better than Uncharted 2.