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#1 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

Yup the 360 is back on it's throne. The Xbox 360 us back to stopmping the compitition with non stop AAA games. 2010 360 is prooving once again why it is the best GAME SYSTEM this gen. 360 started the year off with perhaps one of the best game ever made ME2 And the 360 will finish the year and sweep the holidays sales season with Halo Reach.Cruncha_Munch

Dude, it's January, calm down.

Cows won in 2008/2009 but nobody was shouting to the high heavens about it until the end of the year...

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#2 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

You folks who claim to not have seen any girls with a PSP really ought to get out of the house more. When I'm commuting on the bus I see girls playing with handhelds all the time, more so than guys actually.


I live in NYC and take the subway every morning/night for an hour and i've seen only 2 girls with PSP's, where as guys i've seen atleast 15 or so. Girls here either have a sidekick or blackberry out instead. So this statistic (if true) is surprising to say the least.

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#3 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

That's what Zelda would look like on the PS3 or 360. I really don't see the Wii ever putting out graphics like that

Huh? Those graphics are pretty bad, they look like what the Wii is max capable of. Galaxy looks better than those screens imo. If you wanna know what Zelda would be like on PS3 watch the last guardian trailer, which looks 100x better than these screens.
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#4 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
[QUOTE="GiantMuffin"]For me personally The Last Guardian. Team ICOs games are more epic to me and i like the large-scale of them, you really feel like a little person in this massive adventure, where as Zelda is very linear and it keeps being billed as an adventure game but it really doesn't feel like one imo. I didn't like Twilight Princess, I could see how people would like it and everything but it just wasn't for me. I played like 8-10 hours worth and i just stopped caring. But i'm still interested in the next Zelda because hopefully Nintendo will make it more adventure-like and epic like how i'd want it to be, hopefully with amazing set pieces and what not like Uncharted 2.Jandurin
:S the initial village alone took like 4 hours didn't it?

Well what I mean is like, in Team ICO games you see like huge open vista's and if you had to slide down something you would slide down a huge rope down a really long place and it would be like a God of War game in terms of scale. With Twilight Princess first of all that music in the beginning annoyed the hell out of me when you first get out of your house, that area's music for some reason really just bothered me, along with the fishing but thats another story and not worth complaining about since it's only one time. I didn't really care for the wolf parts, but the way the art style changed was nice and i didn't mind that or anything, it's just it wasn't really fun for me. But anyway everyone gave me the image that Zelda was this epic adventure where it felt like God of War or something you'd cross this huge bridge and fight enemies along the way, or you'd do Indiana Jones-like things like in Uncharted 2 where you escape danger and fight huge monsters and what not, with epic music and everything. The music in TP i really did not like, atleast from what i played i'm sure it gets better. I heard the main Zelda theme on youtube and it's amazing and i keep wondering why they never used it in TP (from what i played), i remember hearing a tiny bit of it at one point but it should feel like a Mario game where the music makes you get goosebumps or w/e, but that never happened in TP. BTW I got up to the part uh where you have to save all the monkeys, in that place where you roll the doors. I beat that area and got a little further i think and then stopped playing. Twilight Princess was my first Zelda btw. I tried Ocarina of Time a little but i didn't continue playing it. I could see why people like it though it's definitely a Nintendo game and i'm not hating on it, but i just wish it was more like Team ICOs games or God of War/Uncharted in terms of scale and adventure. But maybe that happens later on in the game and i just never got up to stuff like that.
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#5 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

Depends on whether Nintendo do something to make Zelda more 'accessable'.

They don't need to. The franchise is perfect the way it is. I would be surprised if it did not outsell that unknown PS3 game by 4x.

Miyamoto already said he wanted to make the next Zelda more accessible, which is why everyone is worried. That man is a genius, but nowadays he's bat **** insane.
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#6 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
For me personally The Last Guardian. Team ICOs games are more epic to me and i like the large-scale of them, you really feel like a little person in this massive adventure, where as Zelda is very linear and it keeps being billed as an adventure game but it really doesn't feel like one imo. I didn't like Twilight Princess, I could see how people would like it and everything but it just wasn't for me. I played like 8-10 hours worth and i just stopped caring. But i'm still interested in the next Zelda because hopefully Nintendo will make it more adventure-like and epic like how i'd want it to be, hopefully with amazing set pieces and what not like Uncharted 2.
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#7 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

Why is there a 360 box in there? We don't want this snoozefest...

Looks like someone didn't get the point of this topic.
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#8 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts
Nobody said it was unhackable, it's just that by the time it does become hacked fully, nobody will care anymore, or the amount of money needed to produce burned games and modded PS3's will not be worth it. So in a sense, yes, PS3's are virtually unhackable, or just not worth it.
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#9 GiantMuffin
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All of the lemmings rounded up and used teamwork to try to get this one voted as a big YES. Because otherwise they would barely have any exclusives at all. Seeing as I have a PS3 and gaming PC, for someone to say Mass Effect is "console" exclusive to 360, acting like PS3 gamers can't play it, is pretty absurd to me, so i voted no.
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#10 GiantMuffin
Member since 2009 • 420 Posts

The last remaining sheep and it's defenders will act like it's because sheep are somehow better gamers than cows/lemmings. They'll say because it's not all about AAA's and 'they care more about great games' and something cliche along those lines.

But the truth is there's barely a sheep population on these boards anymore so that's why theres no topics about the AAA.