i do like the british weather, i like the rain and and the less extreme climate. Anyway, i made this picture explaining basically one of the main reasons for our rain. That Gulf Stream also keeps us warm in the winter, compare the UK in the winter to Canada (both on the same Lattitude).
when my sister or mum comes into the room randomly and practically watch what im doing on the computer, or ask what im doing. Its just annoying, as usually im doing geeky stuff or boring stuff, and they still ask.
i would love to learn it, but i think i would rather attempt it as a hobby. And besides, i should really concentrate on my other studies atm, its getting a little tough
the sun is an almost perfect sphere (unlike the earth and other gas giant planets, which bulge at the equator quite a bit, especially saturn), there is a 6 mile difference in the polar circumference compared to the equatorial one.
i was suspended for 3 days for making a thread that i really shouldnt have made (one of the annoying Fad ones) (i was tired and not thinking straight), i did deserve that. Thats my only suspension, and i have been modded once too (only last week).
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