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Gilmoreism Blog


SO my summer is just me staying in New Orleans and working in a local coffee shop. It's been nice so far. My rent is a little steep but the money I"m making offsets that! Big Big Smiles there. THe only downside is that I have to go to coffee shops to use the internet now because the house I'm renting does not have internet. C'est la vie.

SO I have a question. Is an international airdate really relevant? I don't really feel it is. I'm sorry but it just doesn't add anything to the guide in my opinion... So do I have to accept it? I am not sure.. and I thought I might ask here.

Everyone should go see Speed Racer the movie. I saw it and it was enertaining as well a movie sshould be. Yes the visual style is different but that's most of the fun! It's a nice little movie.

Hmm I don't know what else to say. I suppose that's all. I'm ready for Burn Notice, Monk, and Psych to be back. I'm also interested in watching the ABC Family original show Middle Man it looks like it could be fun.

Darn you Joss Whedon!

I am officially a Whedonhead or whatever fans of Whedon call themselves.. because Whedonhead is far far too creepy.

About two months ago, I watched the entire series of Firefly in about 2 1/2 weeks while going to school and working... It was that addicting.. I loved it, and I then watched the movie when I found a 2 hour block.. Again amazing! I have recently started watching Buffy again.. I watched most of the series when it originally aired, minus the episodes after it moved to UPN. Everyone remember UPN? Man that was a while ago... lol. Buffy is quite amazing, I really had forgotten that. I mean it was just a greatshow.. I'm glad I got the idea to rewatch it...

and I suppose once I get to the point in the show where Angel spins off on his own I'll start to work on that show.. It's just ridiculous how amazing these shows can be.. I mean I kind of figured I wouldn't like them now that I have quote unquote grown up but amazingly I think I love them more.. I'm currently on the 3rd season of Buffy.

I don't know if any of you have ever heard (read seen) me refer to myself as a "comic book nerd who doesn't read comics" but I have really gotten into comics as of late. I've read almost all of Ultimate Spiderman.. I've read everything that has been published in book form, I have read almost all of Ultimate X-men I'm missing couple of books.. I started on the new Blue Beetle last night, and I recently read Identity Crisis which is a great book. So now that I have proved my full decension in to nerdness.. I'll stop!

I need to make a recommendation of a book that I am reading right now. This is for everyone who enjoys superheroes in any form. It is a book called Devil's Cape. It's set in a fictional city across the lake from New Orleans (which is where I am currently residing) but in this universe superheros and villians exist and in fact have played a role in history creating their own cities. It's pretty awesome so far, and I think everyone should pick up a copy if they get chance.

Hello, Old Friend

Its really good to see you once again

SO... It's been a year since I wrote blog, I figured today was a good a day as any to write another... lol

So let's see what's been going on in my life? I'm back in school and working. So that's probably the main reason I haven't been around in the capacity I used to be. I'm still on here at least every other day or so.. Looking up Trivia and quotes usually and checking my mod queue. I lost a guide recently so I don't get as many submissions.

Hmm So let's see what TV have I been watching since the last time I updated? Well this summer I really got into Burn Notice on USA. When it comes out on DVD I recommend the show to anyone who likes the spy genre to any degree.. Well unless you're just a Bond fan, this probably won't interest you.

Then let's see.. This fall, I watched Bionic Woman (i'm a little ticked that it won't be coming back.. but ce la vie, especially after the writers strike.) Reaper (which is awesome, and I'm really hoping it gets renewed soon, it was doing really well pre-strike, I would hate for this show to be a casualty.) The Big Bang Theory (This show is fantastic... I love it, especially the geek in me..) I've also been keeping up with the old favorites... There are some shows that I plan to watch on DVD but with my schedule I just wasn't able to watch them as they aired... As of now, I have yet to actually watch a ONe tree Hill from this season, I"ve recorded them all and I will watch them eventually because I reallly need to know what's happened in their lives over 4 years.. lol.

Some shows I've gotten into recently... The Office (I watched the entire series over the past couple of months, it's hilarious and i'm a little uncertain why no one has told me that I must watch this before this summer), House (Dear god, House is my hero.. I've only seen seasons 1&2 and a couple from season 4), and I've been watching Buffy because I watched it when it originally aired up until it left the WB and I've always wanted to rewatch the series to see if it was as good as I remember it.

Well that's it for now.. Hopefully it won't be a year before I'm back here again.

The Remix Edition..

No this blog is not about High School Musical. If this disappoints you, please leave my blog.

So I've been working, reading and watching movies. It's a good time, I really hate this part of the year because all my shows are on break for weeks, or can't make up their minds if they want to show new episodes or reruns.. It makes it hard to keep up with when you don't want to waste recording space on Reruns.

I watched Criminal Intent and SVU last night for this first time since last year. They were okay, but that's the problem, they're just "okay". I'm not impressed like I used to be.

I got a free copy of the movie Fifty Pills a few days ago and watched it yesterday. Everyone should check it out if you love teenage romp comedy. It was good times. Kristen Bell is hot as always, and Eddie Kaye Thomas is hilarious! Granted both are simply supporting characters but the movie is still great.

Now why is my blog entitled remix edition, you may be wondering, or perhaps by this point you've forgotten and are now curious again because I brought it up... Well your answer lies in the next sentence... I've been downloading some rather strange remixes off the internet.

I love Amy Winehouse. While searching to found out if the new CD that is the same price with different album art is a different CD or just a change in packaging, I found a website that calls her terrible. I was shocked and appalled. This girl has a great voice, even if you don't dig her st y l e she has a great voice. It's very Motown-ish. It's great, but back to my story, the blog called her terrible but apparently some DJ named Hot Chip has remixed her single "Rehab". While I don't think I like the song as much in the remix, I will give the DJ his props it's interesting and fun. Feel free to stream the music from this site Here. you can also listen to "You Kow I'm No Good" featuring Ghostface Killa which is a hidden track on the album.

So there is also another strange and weird remix that I came across today.. It's Fall Out Boy's song "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" remixed by none other than the college dropout himself- Kanye West. It's pretty interesting. I think I like the original better but this definitely gives a new feel to Mr. Stump's emotional voice... he would do good to volunteer himself to be featured on an R&B album. You can make your own decision about the song Here.

So now for the featured Recommendation of the blog:

"But Gilmoreism didn't you just make two recommendations?"

Good Question.. No I didn't, I simply mentioned a few things that I've seen or heard lately, I gave you no reason to why you should go out and get it which is really what recommending is all about.

I am going to recommend a really good movie: The Boondock Saints. It's a great movie about two Irish brothers who accidentally become righteous hit men. It's an interesting twist on your standard Mafia movie. The brother's relationship is a bit homoerotic but nonetheless It's a great little movie. You have Sean Patrick Flannery, Willem Dafoe, and how could I forget the hardest (working) man in show business- Ron Jeremy! Be warned there is lots of language in this movie. It's a great action movie with a message.

With that I leave you with a prayer.

And shepherds we shall be
For Thee, my Lord, for Thee
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be
In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiriti Sancti

See the movie and the prayer will make sense.. lol.

A Prima Donna from the gutter..

So it's been a while again... I apologize for the Fall Out Boy blog title, but It's an anthem at work. My supervisor is crazy obsessed with Patrick Stump which means that we listen to lots of Fall Out Boy after hours. We usually close to Infinity on High. I don't mind. I actually like Fall Out Boy. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like pop music.....

Which brings us to the purpose of this blog. I'm bringing you a new feature.. It's Gilmoreism Recommends! I will post at least one blog a week with either a movie, CD, or book you should check out. I'm required to do stuff like this for work all the time and I don't really have a problem with it I actually enjoy it...

So what shall I choose for my first recommend? It's a duo! It's a book and a movie. There is a reason they are together...

The Movie is Bubba Ho-Tep. It stars Bruce Campbell as an old Elvis/ Elvis impersonator. He is in a rest home in the country in Texas. A Mummy is sucking the souls of the residents. The fact that it stars Bruce Campbell should tell you that this movie is beautifully B.. It's got some great lines. It's funny and fun.

My second recommend is Make Love!* *The Bruce Campbell Way but none other than the best movie actor ever.. As... Bruce Campbell. (I was typing Ash just for the people who didn't get that... if you don't know who Ash is... Please kill yourself, and then go immediately to rent Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness. Please don't really kill yourself, because you haven't really lived if you haven't seen at least Army of Darkness.)[Wow that aside was really really long wasn't it? I've got to watch that, I mean if this were a speech c la ss people would be yelling digression left and right, but I mean I guess I didn't really know what I wanted to talk about until I started typing and what I was typing wasn't all that interesting so I found something more interesting in my head.... A cookie to anyone who understands my second digression] This book is hilarious. I've read half of it, and it's already great. I plan on picking up his memoirs next If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Star. It's a quick read and delightfully witty..

So those are my recommends for the blog... I have a CD lined up that I think everyone who is a Motown music should be here to read. It's a great new CD that everyone should have a listen too... but more about that later....

So my job is going all right. I'm getting stiffed on hours but usually there are people who want a day off and my workaholic self is there to pick up the slack. I enjoy going to work. Is that strange?

So Heroes break is killing me I want to see the ending dang it!

I've pretty much dropped SVU and CI as the last few episodes just couldn't hold my interest at all... I'll probably see them eventually on USA but maybe not we'll see...

I'm sad that The C L A S S will probably not be returning...

Now I'm depressed lol....

I'm gonna go read some Atlas Shrugged and pass out.

Working on Banned!

So It finally happened... I was tagged..

So 7 things... Interesting....

1. I play guitar.
2. I love blues music.
3. I've beaten every Zelda game I've ever played at least twice... (and in case you're wondering, yes I put it this on the third in reference to the Triforce!!)
4. When I was younger, I heard voices in my head.
5. I'm a bibliophile.
6. My IQ was measured at above 200 when I was 13.
7. I hate bannanas. The texture makes me nautious.

So that was fun. I'm not tagging anyone because I'm like the fat kid, I'm not gonna catch anyone.. lol. Feel free to have pity on me and volunteer to be it, and I'll post a  blog directing people to your 7 facts.

I blogged earlier than predicted. So how has everyone been? I've been discouraged from submitting by the lack of consistency in levels. Every time I seem to finally decide to submit is the day levels don't run. I'm sorry guys it's my fault!

I'm still addicted to many of the same shows. Heroes is the one show I refuse to get behind on. I work until at least 11PM on Monday nights but I will watch H's first thing on Tuesday mornings, I don't even bother getting dressed, I grab my comforter off the bed and go lay on the couch and watch it..

I'm eagerly awaiting news on the 2nd Season of Dexter. We had a false alarm a few days ago, someone thought that it would be on again in April, when in fact the show would be returning to production. I was scared. Dexter would have been horrible if it came that quickly.

So that's all I've got for now. Peace out my friends.

Exactly a Month

So I was going to make a blog post yesterday but then I noticed if I waited until today so that it would be exactly a month. I thought that was funny based on the last title..

I'm finally a Whammy. I'm discouraged from submitting because of the lack of consistency in the level updates.. Everytime I do submit I don't get the update. I do still submit, and I'm really working on getting a couple of editorships but I'm slow going because I have to watch Episodes on youtube.. lol...

I've been keeping up with a few of my shows, but I'm about a week behind on most, with the exception of Gilmore Girls and Heroes.

I don't really have anything else to say. I hope you guys have been staying cool. I've been reading your blogs so I nothing too major has happened.

Peace out Peoples!

Over a month.

So I've officially become a lurker on I am on here every day just about, but I don't get around to commenting, I read, I send a few messages and that's a wrap for my time at So if you feel like you don't have enough Gilmoreism in your life, drop me a private message and let me know, and i'll be sure to make comments on your blog if I read it.

So what has happened? I've seen a lot of TV, I've seen a lot of Movies. So for Christmas, I bought with some Gift Cards the first two seasons of Veronica Mars. I'm in love. I had never seen the show before, but it's fantastical. I bought it on a recommendation froma  friend. I also bought Pretty in Pink, Reservoir Dogs, and a few CDs... One of which is the Misfits CD Famous Monsters, which I highly recommend if you like hardcore music with a melodic voice.. and twisted lyrics. It's a great CD. I've read some books since I've been on here.I won't go inot all the gory details....

So I miss here, but I'm enjoying working. The money isn't the best, but I love my job. It's so great working in a book store... I've started my applications for 2 colleges but I really just want to get into one, and go there.. I have my reasons....

So I think this update does it, I'm not sure when the next update will be but it will be less than a month, I promise....

So it's been a while

I'm gonna start this off by telling you I'm not going to give the answer to the teaser from last time because I forgot to look it up before I started writing this, so It'll have to wait until next time lol...

So I've been in the Community Spotlight for a while. I have only had 1 or 2 people start tracking me since I got there. It seems strange, it seems like it always cause mass flooding on others..

The site has been a little glitchy but not too bad. I've been enjoying working, I'm still on the site and I still go to my show forums, but I haven't been reading many blogs. Or at least not commenting on them.

Christmas is getting near. Everyone who celebrates ready?

I'm ready for it to be over.. Work is busy, and I'm ready for it to slow a bit.. lol.

So TV that I haven't updated on.. and I have something fun to say:

Dexter! [spoiler] Such a fantastic show. I'm waiting for the thrilling conclusion. it should be amazing. I'm ready for the season to come out on DVD... I'm missing some episodes thanks to a glitch in my DVR, and I desperately want to watch it in a marathon setting. I love that Doakes has become a watcher of Dex. There was so much tension there. Angel isn't dead, thank god. Rudy flipped a switch, I can't wait to see how it works out... [/spoiler]

So there was another example of someone thinking I was a female based on my name recently.. Lol. I love it.

Leave comments people!

Community Spotlight and a Teaser 12-05

So I'm in the community spotlight.. I wasn't gonna blog because I got a WSoD but I decided that the Community Spotlight warrants a blog.

So my new job is going fantastically. It's tiring but I like the environment. I enjoy the people I work with. The lack of training doesn't seem to be much of a problem, there's always someone available that can explain it. So it's all good..

So I figured I'd take this opportunity to talk about my TV Habits and use the new spoiler tag!

So Dexter:
[spoiler] This show gets more intense every week. I can't wait to see where it ends this season. Some people speculate a cliff hanger ending, but I don't, otherwise what would they have done if it wasn't popular? The story line will be wrapped up nicely I figure. The ITK's relationship will be fully explained, and Dexter will be a great show that I wait for a second Season...Deb seems to get on some people's nerves... For being human? It's strange she's an emotional person and people are annoyed by this and call it stupid, I call it character development...You should come by the forums if you watch the show... There is a link to the show in my stats since I'm editor for the show! [/spoiler]

[spoiler] This show is another great one. Peter's gonna be the bomb. Awesome. I can't wait to see how this all happens. This show is so good... I really want super powers... I want to be on the show as the first one to put on tights :D... I can't wait to see how everything goes down in the new year... Sylar's on the loose protect your brain. [/spoiler]

Gilmore Girls
[spoiler] The fight scene was pretty cool. I don't like Chris. I want him out. I really think the good ending for this show would be both Lorelais single. It starts with The Gilmore Girls and ends with The Gilmore Girls... It's a nice package. I think Anna is ridiculous.. Luke deserves to know his daughter. It's just not right. [/spoiler]

So Good times...

So congrats to bluvs, Miss_box, sassy_eggs, and xblvr for getting the answer right. The answer to the teaser was: You give 9 of the kids their shoes, then put the tenth pair in a box and give the box to the 10th kid easy as pie.

So Today's teaser:
Fred had just started work in Hotel Plush and was dealing with a demanding but important guest. "Pour my coffee, boy! I want exactly 200ml coffee to which you will add enough full cream milk to make it 20% milk. Do it correctly and you may go about your other duties, get it wrong and I will call the manager," screeched the darling lady.

It was all Fred could do to stop his hands from trembling as he started to pour the coffee. He poured 200ml into the measuring jug, (he keeps one about his person at all times for such eventualities), then started to think about the milk. 20% of 200ml is 40ml but if he poured 40ml in, the volume would be 240ml, so it wouldn't be 20% milk any more. How much milk should he add?

Good luck, and send your answer in a PM and leave lots of comments.

P.S. Since there will be new people stopping by. You should go check out Child's Play It's a charity about giving games to kids in hospitals who need them!