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Gilmoreism Blog

"Something Witty" and a Teaser 11-17

Now by that title you might think that I'm going to have something witty in the blog today, well you'd be wrong. I couldn't think of a title so it's something witty... lol.

So we didn't get that update with what we missed out earlier this week so I'm guessing it's gone... Darn it.

So What's new? So I got two calls about my job prospects yesterday. Of course it wasn't until I left my house and went to a movie with my father.. I left after 5 and figured neither were going to call. So what did Sears want? They wanted me to be at orientation at 6.... What? That makes no sense I'm sorry... Ridiculous. Needless to say I didn't bother calling them back last night. I will call them back in a bit and see where they want to go from there. I had an interview with Borders this morning.. It was an interesting interview. Essentially the same interview with just a bit more detail than last time and with the GM instead of the supervisor.. It went well. I really hope I get the job.. I'm sick of looking.

So anything of interest? Oh yes the fun Editor Glitch is new... What am I talking about? People have been losing their guides temporarily I lost Dexter this morning, but got it back in the span of a couple of hours.. It was quite strange.

So on to TV for last night: Smallville, and CSI
*****Possible spoilers*****

S-ville: This episode got on my nerves. Too much of Lana.. Am I the only one who wants her to die? I know I'm not because my brother agrees with me... She's just so annoying since she hooked up with Lex. That story line was pretty boring too...It took too long to tell... Then the story line with Clark was too rushed.. It was an awesome story line I was hoping for a more detailed fight scene... WHO WAS THE MYSTERY MAN?! GRRR.

CSI: Interesting episode. Grissom is on his way out, you can tell.  Sara calling him a misanthrope is gonna make him want to leave. That or he'll be killed off by the Model maker killer. It'll be interesting to see where it all goes.


So congratulations to anyone who got the Teaser right yesterday the PM system is down so I can't give any credit... Sorry

The answer was :$2,300.. If you want to know how tell me and I'll work it out for you in the comments. I don't feel like doing it right now.. lol.

Today's Teaser. This one is a bit more fun because it's Friday.:

Figure out these song titles and their band!

1.Refrain from halting, the first person, immediately.
by Female monarch.

2.Multiple timepieces.
by Low temperature, stage production.

3. Unbleached, natural sweetener.
by Perpetual motion of small rocks.

4.Sugary infant, belonging to me.
by Firearms & thorny plants.

5.Refrain from remaining, on your feet, near myself.
by The Fuzz

Send your answers in a PM... and Leave lots of comments..

P.S. Did you notice there was no reference to Child's Play today?

Gah and a Teaser 11-16

So we got an update. It looks like it includes Yesterday's and Today's update... But of course it doesn't include Tuesday's... You know that one day that I had over a 100 submissions approved? Hence the title of today's blog: Gah.

Today's blog will not feature a mention of Child's Play... Well I guess I messed that up...

So in keeping with my discussion of news that I find humorous in some way... Doctor pays child Support. Now just looking at that title, you might think, 'what's so special about that?' The special thing is the kid isn't the doctor's. The doctor botched some procedure with the kids mom and inserting some contraceptive. How would you like to grow up being this kid? Knowing that your mother sued because you were a mistake? How wonderful.

So this morning I watched Little Big League... Because My Neighbor decided that 7:30 was a good time to mow their lawn... It's a pretty funny. It has Scott Patterson (a.k.a. Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls). I didn't think I'd ever seen him in anything other than GG but it turns out he played a grumpy baseball player... as opposed to grumpy diner owner.

So on to TV last night: America's Next Top Model, One Tree Hill, and CSI:NY: I also recorded Daybreak but I haven't watched it yet...
*****Possible spoilers*****

ANTM: Jada finally went home.. I was so sick of listening to her whine about her hair.. I swear. She went from pretty to sensual with that hair cut, and all she could do was complain... It was annoying.

OTH: Better episode last night.. It was interesting. A little predictable but it's cool. The music wasn't as interesting as normal.. Sadly enough that's one of the reasons I watch the show. So that I can listen to the cool music.

NY: This seems to be going uphill... It was rather slow to start, but it had some good moments. The twist at the end was good but a little strange... I liked that Doc had some character development.. It was interesting the way he came to work in the morgue..

*****End Spoilers.*****

Congrats to bluvs to for getting yesterday's teaser. The answer: Add the sound of the letters of the alphabet in order and you get a new word. for example: a + moral = amoral, b + friend= befriend...

Today's Teaser:
While Christmas shopping I chose a gold ring set with stones for my mother.

A ring set with 2 rubies and a diamond would have cost $3,000. one set with 4 amethysts and a diamond would come to $2,000. And 3 emeralds, 1 amethyst and a diamond would be $1,400.

Being a thoughtful son, I chose a ring that would have sentimental value. As my mother called her children Ellen, David, Richard and Andy, I have chosen a ring with one of each stone, to represent her children's names.

How much will my ring containing 1 emerald, 1 diamond, 1 ruby and 1 amethyst cost me?

Good luck guys! Send your answer in a PM and leave lots of comments

Nothing New and a Teaser 11-15

So after the site maitanence last night I was really hoping the level would update this morning but no such luck. Still level 29 and 21%...

Hmm So did you see what you could do for Child's Play yet? What? You're too busy? You don't have the money? Stop being a scrooge and at least look. If you have gone and looked thanks for helping out!

So I bet you're wondering whether or not I have something special to talk about and yes I do! Jesus turned away from charity! I laughed when I saw the article title.  I think it's better that they don't take the doll. It's opening all sorts of cans of worms. I mean, Toys for Tots, is for Toys. There are plenty of Christian Charities where those dolls can be given. The military accepting turning them away makes the best choice in my opinion...

So TV last night- The Class, Gilmore Girls, L&O: CI, and L&O:SVU.
*****Possible Spoilers*****

The Class: I'm glad my DVR recovered and I was able to watch this last night! :wink: I would have been sad to miss this episode. So Richie decides to dump his wife, but his wife goes to see Leena at the same time. Drama! The puppet show was hilarious. Ethan got dumped at a party again.. Good episode. I'm gonna be sad when it goes off the air. Everyone should try to find a way to catch up on the episodes! It's a great show.

GG: They married. Bah. It's not gonna work. Something is gonna go wrong! Stupid Palladinos being uncompromising... There were some good jokes. Rory finally broke down last night! That was good, I hope her character changes she's kinda getting on my nerves lately. Lane has twins! Awesome!

CI: Well acted. The story line wasn't completely fun but D'onofrio was at the top his game last night. That's all I've got.

SVU: Why? Why did they have to get into a relationship? That's just dumb. Needs to get better. Hopefully getting rid of temp partner now relationship person will make it that.

*****End Spoilers*****

so congrats to Im2Crazy, Xblvr, and new comer mrn71 for getting the answer to yesterday's trivia..
Birbal of course would have replied : I agreed to answer your one question.

Today's Teaser!

Explain why these words were put in the following sequence:

moral, friend, port, feet, race

Good luck and send me your answers in a message and leave lots of comments!

Stumped Y'all and A new teaser 11-14

So why is that the days we don't get level updates, I have lots of submissions approved the day before? All of those subs I did last week, the 111? Were approved yesterday. (In 4 PMs which is awesome, because I don't think I would want to delete 111 PMs of "Submission Accepted") The joy of the PMs, is deadened by the fact that I could have made my goal of level 30 by the end of the week, today.. Which would have made for a fantastic Tuesday.

So have you done your part and gone to Child's Play to see what you can do to help? If not, for shame! At least click on it and see if you can do something.. Even 5-10 dollars would help out! (I evenmade it easy for you and made Child's Play Clickable to send you to the website! so do it!)

So it looks like the Sears job is a go.. But I had an interview at Borders Books today (it went well I have a interview with the GM sometime later this week! *Jump for joy*)... and I would prefer that job, and it would be a guaranteed job after the season unlike Sears which I am not guaranteed anything after Dec 29th... So I may quit Sears before I When it rains it pours I guess.

So my DVR crapped out on me yet again.. I missed How I Met Your Mother and The Class which is suckage because TC isn't gonna be around for a second season I don't think, and I need to enjoy it while I can.

So TV last night was limited to Heroes, and CSI: Miami.
*****Possible Spoilers*****

Heroes: Hiro is my man. lol. So I think it's funny that the description on the DVR was "Peter asks Nathan for the key to unlock the future" and then the Petrelli brothers were absent from last nights episode. Which is cool, but we also saw no Nikki, no DL, No Jessica. Although I figured this would happen with such a large cast. I still think it's awesome show. One of the best of the season. The Chick with the memory was awesome. I was sad to see her die. Hopefully Hiro will be able to fix it. Radiation man is an awesome actor. I'm glad that Claire's dad isn't as bad as people think... Sylar needs to come out and be a total bad ace... That's all I've got to say.

CSI:M: Decent episode. It actually held my attention. I hate reporters. I know she was fake but she was based on real reporters. I thought about journalism for a while, but I'm afraid I would kill a coworker for having no ethics. (haha, I like that, I'd kill a person for being unethical... IRONY!) Nothing more needed.

*****End Spoilers*****

So yesterday's teaser stumped everyone and I could give a clue and let you all figure it out but I don't want to do that in case no one gets it still... so here's the answer:
Minimum Number of Cuts: 2
How you ask?
Day One: Cut off a 1/7 piece from the gold block.
Day Two: Cut off a 2/7 piece from the gold block and take back the 1/7 piece you gave him the day before.
Day Three: Give him back the 1/7 piece.
Day Four: Give him the remainder of the block and take back the pieces he has.
Day Five: Give him the 1/7 Piece again.
Day Six: Give him the 2/7th Piece and take back the 1/7 piece
Day Seven: Give him the 1/7 piece for the 4th time and now he's paid.

That took forever to type.. I hope you read it.

Today's Teaser is simpler:

One day a scholar challenged Birbal to answer his questions and thus prove that he was as clever as people said he was.

He asked Birbal: "Would you prefer to answer a hundred easy questions or just a single difficult one?"

Birbal had had a difficult day and was impatient to leave.

"Ask me one difficult question," said Birbal.

"Well, then tell me," said the man, "which came first into the world, the chicken or the egg?"

"The chicken," replied Birbal, very confidently.

"How do you know?" asked the scholar, a note of triumph in his voice.

What did Birbal answer to this?

Send your answers in a PM and Leave lots of comment loving

Monday ugh and a teaser! 11-13

So I am now a Level 29- Volgar the Enforcer only about 80 subs away from Level 30. That's my goal for the end of the week. By next Monday I want to be at least Level 30. Shouldn't be a problem as long as the levels continue to run. I had quite a few things accepted yesterday. About a dozen were by Staff I was surprised to get an acceptance from them on a Sunday, but I'm not complaining.

So I actually have something to talk about here. Why did a judge have to decide this? I mean really did that take a judge wasting his time? I hate frivolous law suits. I think when people file this stuff, they should be required pay a fine. Now whether they call the fine a "stupidity fine" or not.... That's up to the courts but I think it's a good idea.

I have an interview this evening, meaning I will have to set up a recording for my TV so that I don't miss anything. Luckily, none of the stuff I watch tonight do I attempt to send in quotes.

So TV from this weekend... Oh wait the only thing I watch during the weekend is Dexter, well that's not true I watch reruns of SVU, CI, and CSI's but that's beside the point.
*****Possible Spoilers*****

Dex: Everyone's favorite monster was excellent last night. The whole time it was going on I knew Neil Perry wasn't it. He didn't make sense just like Dexter said. I knew he was just another crazy who wanted to take credit for what he saw as a masterpiece. It was sad to see Downs die. But Dexter couldn't take on a pupil. Especially not while said pupil is in jail, it would draw far too much attention. Michael C. Hall pulled off an excellent mischievous smile in response to Perry's question "Who the F are you?". Deb is going to be angry with Dex when he shares his theory with LaGuerta. Doakes is getting more suspicious. Awesome.

*****End Spoilers*****

Congratulations to Im2Crazy, KFCGravy, Bluvsscoobydoo for all getting the teaser correct. The answer was: If you move the first letter to the end you can read the word backwards

Today's Teaser!

A worker is to perform work for you for seven straight days. In return for his work, you will pay him 1/7th of a bar of gold per day. The worker requires a daily payment of 1/7th of the bar of gold. What and where are the fewest number of cuts to the bar of gold that will allow you to pay him 1/7th each day?

Interesting and New Teaser 11-10

So I just viewed profile at and it is showing a different level than what my page is showing.. how strange. So if you think your level didn't update Click here to make sure.. This is a new one...

So last night at midnight.. I went to WalMart and bought a jump rope.. I jumped rope for about 15 minutes and I felt like I was gonna die. This is a good sign. It means that jumping rope is a good work out and I made a good choice.

So you may be asking yourself, why is he so obsessed with working out all of the sudden? Well the real reason is that I am anorexic. How fun. Now don't worry, I don't starve myself, but this is because I realize that it's in my head and just deal with my bad mental image of myself. So I've decided that I need to get healthy and try to get skinnier.

Sear's interview later today, Here's hoping this is unlike the dozen other job interviews I've been on and it actually turns into a job!

TV last night was-Smallville, and CSI.
*****Possible Spoilers*****

SV: That healing drug was awesome. The Green Arrow is a BAMF. I think he should definitely have his own Saturday morning cartoon. He's Batman minus the Deus Ex Machina! Which in my opinion is a very good idea.. lol. Lana is preggers. How disgusting. That end scene with Lex and Lana was so detached and inhuman.. I didn't like it, but I think that's the point.

CSI: Good Episode. Unrealistic court scene, but really cool episode. The Mini-Model Murderer makes for a good storyline.. I don't know. I don't really have much else to say. I could go into more detail, but if you really want my more detailed opinion... you can ask for it in the comments

*****End Spoilers*****

Congratulations to Always_mandy, Bluvs, Flyinghellfish, newcomer KFCGravy (new to my blog, not the site), xblvr, and Im2Crazy (who sent me this while I was writing this blog)....

Today's Teaser is all about word play!

What do these words all have in common?

Clue: It is not, there is a letter repeated in each word.

Send me your answer in a PM and leave Comments!

P.S.  The site is giving me problems with posting this gosh darn blog.

Two Days in a Row... No way! and a Teaser 11-09

Good day everyone.

First off... I'm gonna put a link to the charity Child's Play at the beginning of every blog until into December... Help out if you can! I convinced my mom to give me some money earlier than Christmas and out of my Christmas fund to send them some gifts. If there's not a hospital in your area you can give via PayPal! If you don't have PayPal.. It's free to sign up! So no excuses!

So the title of course refers to the fact that we didn't get a level update for two days in a row. This is new, hopefully they will be able to force the levels to run later... But I'm not holding my breath. Luckily, none of my submissions have been approved yet, so I'm not going crazy.. If I miss out on my pending subs in a level update that will put my missed out on level update at are 600... Good Thing I've gotten over levels for the most part. It's just frustrating because that 600 I didn't get a level submission for is around 4-5 Levels...

I have an interview tomorrow. With Sear's for a part time position, what exactly I will be doing... I don't know, I don't really care, I will work hard. I neeed the cash. The Extra e is intentional.

Okay one thing I want to say about FireFox 2.0 spell checker thing.... It has the worst suggestions sometimes... What do I mean you ask? I misspelled material "matieral", just typing to fast... and these are the suggestions: "Dramatical", "Dramatizer", "Hieratic", "Dramatizes", and "Pragmatical".. I mean really? Do you look at what I wrote and see any of those words?

So nothing else to talk about so TV last night. America's Next Top Model, One Tree Hill, and CSI: NY.
*****Possible Spoilers*****

ANTM: Rather uneventful night. No real drama. Anchel (or however you spell it) went home. Finally, I mean she was pretty but she was not model material. I wasn't sad to see her go. I don't really care who wins at this point. But it's fun to watch the girls complain like they are suffering. The Wind Tunnel challenge was funny though.

OTH: Peyton's brother was back. He taught her how to fight that was hilarious. I mean it was what she needed but it was just funny to watch blonde chick fight. Brooke is sleeping with her teacher, and Nathan is taking money from a mystery man. Does this stuff happen in real life?! No, but it's still awesome for the over dramatic nature of the show.

NY: Crazy lady killed professional paintballer.. Whoot. I don't know It was okay, but I was semi distracted by some stuff going on so I didn't really get into it or give it a chance, but I don't think it would have got me anyways. The cops stole the coke that was interesting.

*****End Spoilers*****

Congratulations to Bluvs, always_Mandy, Im2Crazy (It was good to read a guess from him again, lol), Flyinghellfish and the ever present xblvr. For getting yesterday's teaser correct. The answer was of course: 20.

No for today's:

You can't change a thing but make this true...

8 + 8 = 91

Good luck and Send your answer in a PM and leave comments!

Yesterday and A Teaser 11-08

 Yesterday I did a buckload of submissions. Enough that when they are approved, I should be able to go a whole level.... How many submissions you ask?

Over 110! :D

That's what I call crazy!

It is not the most I've ever done, but I wasn't do anything from TV. I was simply editing a guide that was unformatted.  I wonder how long it will take them to be approved.

Perry won... I have a word to use, but it won't pass the censors, so I won't put anything to avoid moderation...

I have a Banner, I stole it from Im2Crazy4U... It's a charity, that I found out about this year and I'm going to attempt to support. It's a charity invented by a couple of web comic writers. It's to supply games and toys to kids. You should all be go to the website Child's Play, and see if you can help out.

Hmm, do I have anything else to say? Not really. Maybe later.

TV last night: Gilmore Girls, and Law and Order: CI.
*****Possible spoilers*****

GG: Last night was pretty funny. Lane obviously hasn't told people she is preggers. Hmm I still don't like Chris. Luke was so uncomfortable on his date that was pretty funny. The drunk staff was hilarious. Rory getting revenge was pretty funny.

CI: Meh. Logan was okay, it was rather boring. Yet again. I don't have anything else to say.

*****End Spoilers*****

So Congratulations to Bluvs, and Xblvr for realizing that yesterday's riddle answer was PACMAN! '

Today's Teaser:

You are playing game involving trading in chips.

Here are the values:
3 Green Chips have the same value as 5 Blue Chips.
2 Red Chips have the same value as 1 Yellow Chips.
4 Red Chips have the same value as 3 Green Chips.

How many Blue Chips can you get for 8 Yellow Chips?

Good luck and send your answer in a PM and Leave Comments!!


New day and a Teaser 11-07

So.. Yesterday I submitted a show. It was approved in a few hours! I added some episodes. Then I checked back a few hours later, and guess what? Someone else had already had their episodes approved! Ridiculous. How did these people even know the show was up yet? Luckily the person who did listed the wrong air date with the first episode. So I at least got 8 points.. There are two people with contribution points on the show. One of which is Staff.. Good times. Well hopefully neither of them were able to submit 80 points worth of stuff, and when a marathon airs soon, I'll be able to take the guide. and if I can't take the guide at least I'll get plenty of points.

I have about half a dozen things pending for one guide... I made the contributions Sunday, and the editor was on yesterday all day... Then not today, It's kind of annoying to see that. I mean I try to clear my queue every night. But we'll see, hopefully it will be cleared soon.

It's Voting day across the nation. Unfortunately, I failed to register by the cut off so I will not be voting today. In Texas it seems like our Governor will probably win with less than a majority, How stupid! I hate Perry. I'm praying that somehow Bell or Strayhorn come out on top. If Kinky wins the race... I'm definitely going to school outside of Texas next year. I probably won't come back for a while.

So on that note, I thought I should say that I am currently looking for colleges to attend. The requirements: Small classes (A.k.a. Private Schools, or small state schools no big schools) ,a big city! (or one within a 45 minute drive)..., Psych and English Departments. That's it. Have a suggestion? You should leave it!

So now TV last night: How I Met Your Mother, The Class, Heroes, and CSI: Miami.

*****Possible Spoilers*****

HIMYM: NPH is gay but he still plays Barney quite well. I didn't think it would affect the show. He's hilarious. The show was quite funny. Call me Swarley! The Crazy Eyes! That was hilarious.

The Class: Ethan and Kat steal blind dates, that was hilarious. Too bad Ethan is too much of a good guy to dump his date. I liked Kat's line, "He was so boring, but the sex was good!" This show is quite funny, I'll be sad to see it go off the air since It doesn't seem to be that big.

Heroes: Fantastic yet again. Jessica is a bad ace. I can't wait to see where this story line is going. I know this show can't last more than a couple of seasons but I'll enjoy it while it's on.

Miami: Bore. That's all I really have to say. It was ridiculous. The story line was pretty boring.

*****End Spoilers*****

Congratulations to Xblvr for being the only one to guess at yesterday's Trivia! She also happened to get it right!
The answer:Take a second Pill A out of the Bottle, carefully cut every pill in half and take a half of each of the 4 pills. Then take the other halves the next night.

Today's Teaser Event:

Eating white is mostly what I do
If quick enough, a fruit and some things blue

When you see pink, sky blue, orange, or red
It would be wise to turn my yellow head

In a dark room with blue walls
I run from the ghosts that roam the halls.

Who am I?

Send your answer to me in a PM and Leave comments!

Blog and Teaser 11-06

 Hmm so I actually have something to talk about.
Read This!

It's ridiculous. Orwell was right, Big Brother is coming. I'm sorry but why can't the students use a 6 digit number rather than their fingerprints? This is how we identify criminals, I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with the government finger printing our kids just to serve them food. It's just too creepy.

Okay, so on to more fun topics.. I'm still Disco Stu. I have some pending subs to a new show. There is an editor, but it looks like all the editor has done is add the episodes to the guide. They don't seem interested in adding quotes, and summaries, so hopefully I can take the guide. It's an interview show called Iconoclasts. It runs on the Sundance Channel. They get lots of big stars it's pretty cool. Tarantino is going to be on there soon. I haven't watched most of this season.

So let's see, I don't really have anything else to talk about right now. So we shall go on to the ever popular part of my blog where I talk about TV!

On last night was The Simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy, and The War at Home, and Dexter

*****Possible Spoilers*****

Simpsons: The Treehouse of Horrors was rather boring this year. Haven’t they already done the everyone becomes their costume? If they haven’t someone else has and it was rather boring. The Homer becomes a blob was boring. I’m sure there was another one, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head… The show is so far past it’s prime. It’s sad, and at least Matt Groening realizes that.. How do I know that you say? He’s making a movie, which he has been quoted in interviews as saying he wouldn’t make a movie until the show was over.

AD: Well that reminds me of Arrested Development and that makes me sad… But on to the show. Hilarious. The gay Republicans… Stan’s complete obliviousness finally shattered about his neighbor’s relationship. There wasn’t really any Haley in the episode, and I don’t really care. It was fun. It was a good episode. “Being Gay isn’t a choice, but you know what is being a choice? Being a Democrat!” That was a great line.

FG: Good time episode. No meg speaking lines, I don’t really care, It doesn’t bother me much. The army episode was pretty funny. Brian and Stewie shoot each other in the foot and they still didn’t get out. The rock band was pretty cool, and Marilyn Manson was hilarious. That’s all I have to say.. Not a very eventful episode.

W@H: It was good episode. Seth MacFarlane was great. I’m pretty sure they’ve done the whole Vicky smoking thing. It was still a good episode. I liked quite a few things about this episode. It was just funny. When Mike smacked Larry it was hilarious. Larry didn’t have any cut scenes last night that I can recall which is sad because his are usually pretty funny.

Dex: Good episode, Great show. I liked the tension of this episode. Jesus saved the Cubans. LaGuerta got attached and then was heartbroken when he was taken away. It was pretty cool. I liked how careful Dex was to not be seen by the boy. I think the Paul development should be interesting. It’ll give them something to deal with while waiting for the Ice Truck Killer. The Dream sequence last night was awesome…. That’s all I have to say tonight.

*****End Spoilers*****

Congratulations to xblvr, FlyingHellfish, and Glenn11523 for getting the teaser answer correct.

The answer: Flip both timers over at the same time, when the 7 minute timer expires flip it over again. When the 11 minute timer expires, flip the 7 minute timer back over again, because there will be 4 minutes drained into the bottom of the 7 minute timer when the 11 minute timer runs out. 4+11=15.

More than one person pointed out that this was similar to a teaser in Die Hard 3... I have never actually seen this movie but perhaps for fun after a few weeks, I will give that to you guys as the teaser!

Now for the part you’ve all been waiting for!

Today’s Teaser:

You have a rare disease, but luckily it is easy to treat. All you have to do is take one tablet of Pill A and one tablet of Pill B daily. You must take one of each, and not more and not less, or there are very bad side effects.

Taking one without the other can be very serious, because they must be taken together in order to be effective. So you must take exactly one Pill A and one Pill B at the same time.

One morning you open up the bottle and tap out a Pill A. You put that bottle aside and you open the Pill B bottle. You do the same, but by mistake, two Pill B’s fall into your hand with the Pill A.

Now, here's the problem. You weren't watching your hand as the pills fell into it, and you can't tell the pills apart. The pills look identical. They are both the same size, same weight (10 micrograms), same color (Blue), same shape (perfect square), same everything, and they are not marked differently in any way.

What are you going to do? You cannot tell which pill is which, and they cost $300 a piece, so you cannot afford to throw them away and start over again. How do you get your daily dose of exactly one Pill A and exactly one Pill B without wasting any of the pills?

Send me your answer in a PM and leave comments!