*Ulquiorra sonidos to dodge the slash, and then appears behind Shinji fires a cero at him*Believe what you want, but the truth will come out in the end
*Ulquiorra blocks shinji's sword with the back of his hand and draws his zanpaktou and goes to stab shinji in the gut*
*Looks at rf*Well instead of Euros wouldn't it be British pounds? And that would make it about 500 british pounds wouldn't it?
*Shinji blocking all attacks*i like when it is a war...it helps fighting boredom Grottekvarnen*Ulquiorra sonidos behind Shinji and fires a cero* forget fighting boredom, fight me.
*Shinji shooting ceros at espada hideout while protecting the vizard one*............. Grottekvarnen*Ulquiorra fires a cero at Shinji*Why do you have to use Hollow techniques against us...yours not good enough?
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