Metacritic 90+ ExclusivePS4 = 9 (Winner)PC = 4
Metacritic 90+PS4 =24 (Winner)PC =14
Metacritic 85+PS4 = 121PC = 121
PC: 380
PS4: 315
Also you're completely leaving out GS, the site we've used and continue to use the most here. I've never seen anyone except you use GR, and like once every few years.
Gamespot is far more likely to review an Indie game for PC only despite the game being available for PS4.
For example:
In the past 1.5 months alone, Gamespot has given the following games scores on PC only, despite the games being available for PS4 too
Golf Club 2019: 8
Phantom Doctrin: 9
Chasm: 8
Banner Saga 3: 8
That’s 4 games in 6 weeks.
1. Liar. They are in the PS4 2013-2018 search list (which is were I got the numbers from). Here is screenshot evidence:
Video proof that you’re the liar
227 to 256 since PS4 release date
4 PS4/PC games not counted for PS4 in past 6 weeks.
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