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Giratina667 Blog

Temporary solace...

First,a small addendum.The family I was staying with before was from my father's side,not my mother's.Mah bad!> _ >

We finished the first 2 thirds of the horrid coast-wide trip(North Carolina),We're staying at the home of my aunt,I slowly wittle away the days patiently.Her family is a bit like ours (barring the addictions of some of them).They're the less harsh on my mother's side of the family.They have most of the facilities we do,so it's not a drastic change.She has a wired network,so I may drop in from time-to-time.(Well,at least before my sister busts my tuckus for unintentionally formatting her Ipod's memory.)


[spoiler] There is a very small chance I'll be available at either 9:00P.M. in your area or around lunch there.I dunno my aunt's work schedule,so don't be surprised if I'm not there. [/spoiler]

Tis' all,I'll be moving in by either the 10th or the 15th,so sadly I have a long time to go.;_;

Highway to....Florida?

We finally got out of the dingy hotel room and onto my maternal Grandmother's condo.Visited my (again maternal) great grandparents on the way.Never really did realize how good of people they were,makes me ashamed I didn't talk to them more.Eh,I'll at least make sure to visit their graves one day.(The poor folks are in their mid 80's by this point,nobody knows how much longer they're gonna live,most of 'em think they'll die within 5 years,despite the fact their bodies are just now giving away.) After a 1 night stay here we're traveling to my Aunt's(first born maternal side) home.I'll continue to jump onto connections whenever possible.Sadly,since this particular connection is slow (AOL has aged veeeeery badly) I'm afraid I'll only be able to get to a few of you today.(The bill goes by hours so gotta hussle)

Easy street ends here-the move begins!

We're getting along in moving,we still have until at least mid-July to restore function to all systems,I'm using a temporary connection at the,thursday or friday is the last you'll see of me.I apologize but,life happens,especially in the disgusting and idiotic institution they call the military.> _ > *prepares middle claw*

IMPOTANT NOTICE and plot part 2

First I will not be on for quite a while after Sunday:anywhere due to moving,I regret to report that I do not know for how long I will be absent All I know is: It's gonna suck.:lol: Also Paul,[spoiler] Sunday Morning sound good? [/spoiler]

Well,part two of the rough timeline.

------------------arc II-------------------

(HS) Arceus guides the heroes to the first step in their quest:Planet Zebes.(RS) Ridley,impressed byP-Kun's and Michael's efforts,takes them to planet Zebes to further the pirate war effort.(GS) Giratina,after the scrape with the heroes takes on a humanoid form,and goes under the moniker Gilson,but not without alerting the pirates to his new identity.

(HS/RS)P-Kun,Michael,Rildey and most of the pirates are defeated by upstart bounty hunter Samus Aran and the heroes,the former 3 pirates barely escaping.(GS) Gilson invades Star Haven and enters the shrine of the Star Rod,but the star spirits fragment the Star Rod,scatter the pieces across the Virgo Supercluster and blow up the shrine before he can grab it,starting his quest to gather the star rod and gain ultimate power.

(HS) Many Legendary Pokemon go mad,sensing the fragmentation of the star rod,Arceus tasks the heroes with calming them down and searching for the broken shards that caused the problem.(RS) P-Kun begins to question the decision of joining the Space Pirates after seeing a trooper execution:for failing a training mission.(GS)Gilson recieves word that The Heroes (who he now knows the identities of from Reports of the Zebes catastrophe) are searching for the Star Rod shards,and begins to enact a plot to ease his search,starting by making Pirate bases on Tallon IV.

(HS) After the heroes calm down the Legendary pokemon,Arceus learns of trouble for the Pirates,which oddly he requests the heroes to investigate.Samus is tasked by the federation to investigate a pirate distress signal.(RS) P-Kun and Michael are sent to Tallon IV for security duty.

(HS/RS/SVS) Metroid Prime Adaptation,little happens here that didn't happen in the game.>_>

(HS/RS/SVS)The Heroes and Rebels get involved in the events of Metroid Prime 2.Driving a wedge further between P-Kun and the Space Pirates.

(HS/RS/SVS) Events of Metroid Prime 3 occur,in the process meeting the 5th member of the heroes' team.The Space Pirates attempt to enhance Michael,Putting P-Kun into a rage and Causing the Duo to defect from the Space Pirates and Join the Heroes,(From now on RS will refer to Ridley's story) The Heroes find Star Rod shards on Bryyo,Elysia and Phaaze.GS) Gilson creates Marx,and sends him off to create chaos.


That's the End of Arc II,arc II shall come eventually.Thanks for reading!

A spot of trouble and part 3:Timeline part 1.

My father was configuring the interwebz,managing to temporarily mess it up in the process.:/ Sorry for my absence on some of your blogs and not talking with a certain someone.It,fortunately is back up now.Anyway,I'm a little nautious...

Next, the first part of a rough timeline,these only cover the absolute core sequence of events,and seeing as I have yet to start actively writing,I can give no specific times the events occur.I denote which story they happen in with these:HS(heroes' story) RS(rebels' story) SVS (side Villain's story) and GS (Giratina's story)


Arc I

(HS) Darkrai and Metaknight kidnap Robert to begin their quest,(RS) P-Kun and Michael meet Ridley,their new boss,(SVS) Doctor Eggman,cooperating with the Space Pirates,discovers information about 7 Beings of incredible power.(GS) The Giratina recalls a vision made by a seer long ago,and begins to take action to prevent it's fulfillment.

(HS/RS) Rob,Meta Knight and Darkrai meet Michael and P-Kun,and confront,though both parties retreat eventually.(SVS) Bowser plots a seige on Mushroom city,(GS) Giratina takes control of the Space Pirate Confederacy,Killing all of the High command members to do so,and squishing and rebellion within the lower ranks.

(HS/SVS) Rob,Darkrai and Meta Knight arrive at Mushroom City (hoping) to find a place to temporarily reside in,but run straight into the heated seige of a certain Koopa King instead.Rescuing a girl named Macy (who subsequently rescues and joins them),they then set off to stop Bowser.(RS) Robert and P-Kun are sent to undergo an examination by the Giratina,which they complete spectacularly,Peaking both the Giratina's and Ridley's interests.

(HS)The group leaves the city on Darkrai's and Meta Knight's demands.They travel to The Sinnoh region,only to find a masive rift(In this case a Passage to the torn world,the Giratina's domain) has opened over their destination,they head to Spear Pillar for a closer inspection.(RS) Ridley recieves intelligence that enemies (Darkrai and Meta Knight,most notably to them) are approaching the Rift,Ridley assembles a Party of Michael,P-Kun,Weavel and Himself to intercept them,fearing that they are after the Giratina (who as said before is the Usurper ruler of the Pirate Confederacy.)

(HS/RS) The two groups confront each other,the Pirate team narrowly escapes with their lives.The group enters the rift,going into a brief (and disastrous) confrontation with the Giratin.Before Giratina can deliver a final blow,the group is saved by an unknown force,much to Giratina's anger.

(HS) The force that saved the heroes is revealed to be Arceus,who explains the gravity of the situation,he tasks the heroes with fulfilling a prophecy made by a Chozo Elder,but not before giving them many new powers and abilities.Among them;losing the need for oxygen,armaments hand crafted by several sentient ancient races,Control over an element,limited psychokinesis,Macy the powers of time and Robert the powers of space.

Arc II to be shown soon!

Thanks for reading!^__^

Another variety and fanfic plan post.

Well,first a life update.First day off of school,and it's been Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring.We went to the mall to take back some clothes and bought Mario versus Donkey Kong:March of the Minis in the process.Haven't been able to play it yet,since my sister's using mine (she complains that the other one's screen is too dirty to use effectively).I collected the missing energy tank and Power bomb units in MP2:E,just need the final few Missile expansions.My sister has yet to connect her computer to the interwebz yet,so it can't do much yet.Sadly,I still have yet to be able to use Wi-fi freely once that happens since the computer bought was a Vista.(Which,as you know,the Nintendo Wi-fi USB connector is incompatible with,piece o' junk.)

Next,Time to introduce the thematic ploys and the Main group of heroes in my twisted little story.

But first the title:

The Mad Dragon Giratina and the Children of the Cosmos

Not very creative,but it's better than what other names I came up with.(DX,Nintendo Ultimate heroes,bacon-tacos.)

But did you get what this really is?It's a massive overhaul of my original fanfiction!(That all one of you remember.:P)

Main theme:Open Your Heart

Fanfic structure:

The fanfiction uses a story-arc structure,with 3 arcs in total,with many sub-arcs.Chapters are distributed sporadically between arcs.

there are 4 basic forms of chapter I use:Plot progression,comedic parody filler(like the skits I used to do starring Giratina,Ridley and Ganondorf) ,meaningful filler(Like in some anime series) and Boss battles.

There are 4 main stories within the fan-fic:The heroes' story,featuring the main 5 heroes,these are the most common.The rebel's story,Featuring the 2 original characters I introduced last post and Ridley,this story is less-commonly featured but just as important.The villain's story featuring most of the secondary and Minor villains.Lastly is Giratina's story,unveiling the plots and motivations of the insane main villain,the Giratina (I use "the Giratina" to distinguish it from others of it's species.)

A few other things to note:Many of the older characters break the forth wall frequently.Battles are portrayed in an RPG format,seeing as I'm terrible with description.I may make a few discrepencies at times,so please correct me if you find any.

Now,The heroes! (I have yet to finalize their conceptual work,so there are no pictures.)

Robert:an orphan whose Parent's were killed by the Space Pirate general Ridley (sound farmilar?).He seeks retribution against the space Pirates for Rildey's actions.But he doesn't have the means to, until one day...Robert is silent,reserved and intelligent,but has his bold moments,and is unsure of himself.He doesn't have any first...

Macy:This girl is a resident of Mushroom city,her Mother died giving birth and her father ran off soon after.She's a bit brash in anger,but is down to earth for the most part.Macy,like Rob has no special abilities at first meeting.Lore says she's a decendant of a tribe of desert thieves.

Metaknight:A diminuative vassal working under an undisclosed power,he's a bit more sarcastic and impatient here.

Darkrai:Metaknight's partner on missions,he's sadistic and calculating,disloyal and team members often show disgust at him,though they value his powers and decision making abilities.

SPOILERS past this point!

Issac:A Galactic Federation Trainee Rob is forced to take under his wing,he's often a little energetic,but can hold near infinite patience.He's a freindly rival of veteran Samus Aran,and eventually becomes a partner on missions with her.

Ridley clone:The pirates,late in the story,begin to clone Ridley en masse as a last resort,the heroes destroy all but one clone,which they befreind and escape with the help of.

That's all for now.

A variety post with some surprising stuff ***EDIT:NEWS***

Well,the last day is over for me.I only stayed for a little while,I was sick inside to have to leave them for good.I rectified a foolish mistake made on more than one ocassion,so that makes it sting less.

My sister (narrowly) earned 80's in all grades,so she gets a laptop.She was foolish in letting me use it in exchange for helping her in Kingdom Hearts!Muhahahahahahahahahaha!

Next,something hilarious and highly objectable.(as expected,viewer discretion advised.)

Next,the obligation I made:

Plot post 1:Setting and 2 Bios

The world of my fanfic is as expected in most fanfics,in an alternate dimension seperate from the properties which it borrows from.

Most of the story takes place on an enormous planet containing the Mushroom world,Northern Kremisphere,DK island and the crocodile isles,modern day Hyrule,Yoshi's island,The Pokemon Nation.(Kanto,Sinnoh etc.),an exaggerated version of the united states(the setting of Mother,for those who can't tell),Skyworld

Other locales:Aether/dark aether,the torn world,The Space Pirate homeworld,The Ooromine system(Tallon IV,zebes etc.),Tetra Galaxy,Corneria,F-zero grand prix courses,Hall of origin,the Sacred realm/Dark world,the Federation Solar system,Phaaze,The paper Dimension(paper mario world) Superflat world,interdemensional gap,Space colony Ark,SR388,Space,GFS Olympus.

Government bodies:Galactic Federation,Space Pirate confederacy,Kremling Krew,Koopa Kingdom,Mushroom monarchy

Tech:Most of it is equivalent to current Federation technology,also important to note are enormous inhabitation Stations have been made to acommodate for growing Populations and lack of livable areas.

Original Characters:

Original Characters 1

Michael (left) and Kun (Right) A pair of top-level Pirate operatives.(I'll do heroes in a later post)

Kun:A stealth expert employed by the Space Pirates.Despite working for a bloodthrirsty power,he carries strict moral standards and is highly independent of the Space Pirates.Because of this,his true intent is doubted fequently by many Pirate leaders.The Pirates are afraid to punish him due to his usefulness and frightening powers.His elemental affinities are shadow and Fire,being able to make things spontaneously combust and fuses his shadow and fire powers to create deadly weapons,such as a flame whip,bombs and Shurikens.His name isn't actually Kun (As some Japanese speakers know,that'd be a silly name for someone:P) it is merely a title he uses,not wishing to disclose his name,making it harder to track him through computer systems should the Pirates turn against him.

Michael:An orphan Kun befreinded during a Pirate raid (weird place to meet huh?) ,Kun surprisingly blackmails the Space Pirates into accepting him into the ranks.Michael is sadistic,albeit charismatic and ocassionally caring He's weak naturally,which WOULD him an easy target in battles.To compensate,the Pirates outfitted him with custom equipment,including An energy rifle,Rechargable shield generator and advanced multi-spectrum visor used to collect tactical and visual data,making him surprisingly tough.He seems to know a lot more about the situation than most of the characters combined,and Kun refers to him as "the director" in formal situations.Wonder who he's loosely based off of?

That's all really,Did you think the sprites were decent? > _>

Soooooooo boring!

I'm stuck at school doing pointless crap,I told my parents we're doing nothing,but noOoOoOo,I gotta go for attendance.I missed only 13 frikkin' days this year,last year I missed 45 and they still let me advance!To add insult to injury,I gotta watch movies I've already seen and disliked!Eeeek!o_O*curls into fetal position*

Least I brought my DS like I shouldn't have.>_>

Next,I need an idea for a new spriting job.


[spoiler] I'll likely be available for Wedneday night,I dunno whether the graduation is mandatory or not,I personally don't wanna go,freeze up in front of crowds;_;.(Why is it a big deal we graduate the blasted 8th grade anyway?o_O) [/spoiler]

I got nothing notable going on besides those things.

An unspeakable horror....

*with flashlight under helmet* Shopping!We tried on 8 different shirts,when we found the one we wanted yesterday AHHHHHH!!!!*shakes flashlight* And then we shopped for pants for another half hour AHHHH!!*shakes again* Then we tried on belts AHHHHH!!!!*again*

Seriously she (my mother) is waaaaaaayyyyy too indecisive,which if you know me shreds my astoundingly awful patience.(I mockingly placed the belt around my neck behind her back on more than one occaision.)

On a Gaming front,I finished MP2:E with 100% Logbook scans,now I have to comb the 8 worlds for that energy tank,2 Power Bomb expansions and 5 Missile packs.Ugh...Where's that checklist...

Now she and my sister are arguing.This family saddens me.Maybe I should make an elaborate custody fraud,hmm....> _ >

Also Paul:

[spoiler] I MAY be on Tuesday morning,I'll have to convince my parents to get me out of my filler school day however, so don't bet on it.;_; Can YOU take custody...? > _ > [/spoiler]

'Tis all.

Things just keep getting more "fun"...

My patience is being stretched thin...very thin...,don't be surprised if I start using obscenities.The visit was crappy.My plans for tomorrow are screwed thanks to me being dragged again to somewhere I need not go.My family is in greater conflict,my schedule is completely out of my control due to the move(and I despise when I have no control over my activities...>:l ) and...something deeply disturbing has come to my attention:My mother may be becoming dependant on painkillers.She's frequently in a mood that can only be described as high(forgetful,spaces out,odd slurring to her speech),and she complains when she doesn't get 'em from the doctor.It's not certain but those are deeply disturbing signs...great just what I need.I already lost one family member to drugs,let me burn should I let this one slip away....

Also Paul...

[spoiler] I apologise,but once again I can't be on,my sister has to get ready for finals and my father's gotta go to work so I can't be on the cpu tonight,and my mother's dragging me along to the mall to buy clothes in the morning...(despite the fact I've told her my size almost literally 18 times within 3 months.) So sadly,I can't be on tonight,tomorrow and maybe not Tuesday either.Sowwy...;_; [/spoiler]

Not sure whether or not to skip Tuesday,seeing as we'll only be watching films...(which as stated before I despise.)

'Tis all.