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GlassDominion Blog

No More Heroes Review: biggest waste of money right after Legendary Halo3

Alright, sorry guys but this is one game i wasnt able to bring myself to beat. I try and make it a habit to beat at least the single player (if there is one) before a review a game, but like metroid i just cant finish it.

First off I want to talk about the graphics of "No More Heroes" which is a rather hard topic to go about reviewing. "No More Heroes" goes off of a very stylized visual approach, going for anime like characters rather than detailed character models. now theres a point where you kinda just wonder what the developer was doing...and this game make me cringe while i played it. This game is the ugliest thing i have ever played. the mass ammounts of jaggies in this game keeps me from enjoying the style of the game. its like they didnt even try to make the game look smooth or nice, they threw on the characters, threw of some blan backgrounds that look like they came from the N64, add boxy cars that make legos look sleek and futuristic and you have "No More Heroes". Thats really dissapointing ya know, the game's art style is amazing underneath all the visual problems of the game. travis would probably be a bad ass looking character if it wasnt for his entire body being jaggies. this game is all style but doesnt use any of the wii's power at all. final fantasy 7 doesnt even look this bad on my HDTV. ill give them kudos for the art style, but its ruined by a bad performance on a wii. (not blaming the wii, Mario and Metroid look like ps3 titles next to this piece of visual vomit).

2/10 for graphics, style that gets lost in this technical downfall of this game.

next up, gameplay! now this is one of "No More Heroes" good points. the combat handles really well. even tho your mashing "A" to attack, being able to quickly change from a high to low stance almost gives you the feeling of fighting. that being said...thats the gameplay right there. walk over to a guy, point up and down to change your stances and mash "A" thats as deep as the gameplay really goes. you throw in some finishing moves here and there and a few wrestling moves, but the combat system never seemed to get deeper...which is fine i guess. i loved kingdom hearts, but while kingdom hearts reqarded you for killing enemies, travis only gets money for killing enemies and combat quickly looses it's shine. Now here is what killed "No More Heroes" in my book, and took it from a "yeah pick it up" title to the "biggest waste of money, right after legendary edition of halo3" (which was about 60 dollars of pure wasted money) and that is the city. theres nothing to do there. you walk around find kolikoff balls, and search trashbins for t-shirts. theres no wandering bad guys to kill, you cant kill innocent bystanders, have a bike, and trash bins. people defend the game saying "The city is jsut meant to be a hub, not an area to play in" but god damn it! this is a game, i dont want to have to do X, Y, Z to finally get some where to kill some doods. i want to walk out of my hotel and decapitate the first punk i see, not checking to see if theres a trash can with a t-shirt in the area. this hub is ugly, theres little going on there...theres like 2 people on screen EVER, and its really really ugly.

5/10 for gameplay, good combat...but everything else sucks.

Sound was good, not a whole lot to comment on, some very 8-bit sounds in there.

Boss battles were fun and challenging

right, well i dunno what to talk about now. i went on my rant about this "AAA" wana be for the Wii

final verdict 5/10

Microsoft is new to the console world, but they know how to play the game.

This is Microsoft's Second console to hit shelves, and already Microsoft has shown it knows how to play the game. Microsoft started the console war alone, letting the 360 take shelves a year before the competition was ready to launch. they were able to build a user base in the clear, but being the only console on the market the 360 also had no where to hide in failures such as the RRoD. then one of the best things happened for the 360, it finished its first year with a bang, the launch of the much hyped and antisipated Gears of War along side the competitions first string of lack luster in most cases, launch titles.

microsoft then started off 07 with just a little momentum, gears of war was still pushing the console through the early months of 07. then Microsoft started to put its pieces into play. they started to release games from all genres, adding to the 360s liberary. then Microsoft got to the later half of 07, where the 360 had one of the best holiday lineups in gaming history, having heavy hitters like halo3 and Call of Duty finishing off the year with a bang. theres no denying the 360s holiday lineup.

now Microsoft enters into 2008, still with the momentum of the holiday season that just past. then at the game DEVELOPER confrence where the competition was talking about tools, and things of that nature to work with their system, MS throws out two big announcements. first of which was the user created XNA titles, this opened up MSs gaming console to all sorts of things, taking the library of titles that could be avaliable for the console to new heights. GDC was pretty quiete lots of talk about tools to develop (like XNA for the 360). MS had a good 08 line up of titles...a few titles for every one, but there wasnt that AAA heavy hitter the 360 had in years prior. Sony quiet, letting the users hype the games coming out for the PS3...and like that MS instantly built up the hype on the 360 again with the announcement of Gears of War 2.

MS doesnt take it easy, they are constantly putting on the pressure. in an instant MS once again got its user base buzzing with excitement. man...MS sure does know how to play the game.

revised blog from me gametrailers account

New Gamer tag

hey well its a new year, and as of Dominion got a little boring especially on XBL, how people confuse glass DOMINION and glass DOMINATIOR is beyond its now Solid System. for my friends birth day i bought him XBL for a year, and we went with a theme. the discussion started out about MGS and the diffrent snakes, and well at the end we discussed how each of the snakes were a diffrent state of matter, solid liquid. so i picked Solid System, and he picked Liquid System. NOW WE SHALL PWN MULTI TEAM AND TEAM DOUBLES ON HALO3!.

ill probably change my PSN as well...and well its a little harder to change forum names...

alright eveyone, im switching over to diffrent versions of "Solid System"

XBL: Solid System

PSN: SolidSystem

gametrailers: SolidSystem

Wii-mote: Did i miss something?

Right, with 'Super Smash Brothers' right around the corner i have been looking at my Wii like its a console again...and not just a thing on my shelf taking up space. it once again has joined the ranks of my ps3/360/DS/PSP/PC as a way to play games. as such, i remember all my issues I have with the wii that i forgot about cause i simply didnt care anymore.

First off dont take this as some anti-Wii fanboy blog, it simply isnt...its more of me putting my concerns and dissapointments of what could have been into words. I think the Wii-mote had tons of potential, 1:1 lightsaber action just sounds hot! I bought the Wii on launch, waiting 14 hours in a line to get my hands on the 'revolutionary' system to have one of my own. that night durring the wait i talked with other gamers, and of course what the wii could do was a popular topic. i dont want to even go into detail, but Shooters, Swords, Point n Click adventures, puzzles, etc. were at the top of the list for things we wanted to see and thought the wii could pull off well.

a little over a year from that time...I have yet to really see any of those ideas or concepts make it into game we have lots of minigames that just use a couple sensors per game. its kinda heart breaking when you look at what the wii is currently offering...and what it COULD offer. now right there you might be going "well there glass dominion...buddy...the ps3 could actually get some good **** on the market as well if you know what i mean" but theres the thing...the ps3 games play fine, its all the otehr areas the PS3 games lack on. from Heavenly Sword lacking in length and the puzzles sucking and stuff, to i dunno generic shooter #3 that plays like all the other shooters (im leaving lair out of this mess, yes lair sucked get over it, its not like the ps3 fans had any idea you could mess a game up that bad). The Wii is a diffrent story all together, i have yet to be impressed or even glad the wii-mote was motion sensative at this point. From mario just replacing the "B" button with a Zelda doing the same thing. i mean honestly Mario and LoZ both feel like gamecube games with the wii-mote as an after thought...haha it was for LoZ.

Any way, any Nintendo fan would easily beable to tell me which of the 3 big nintendo games out on the market i have yet to mention...the biggest dissapointment on the Wii for me...Metroid Prime 3. now im not going to get down and diry and tell you everything i HATE about Metroid Prime 3, but lets go over a few of the big things. first issue ,and the biggest problem in my book, I never felt like i was in control let alone in the game. i was constantly straining to turn around and get a control setting that felt right for me. people always **** and moan at me when i talk about this "did you play on expect controls?!" yes i did, and they still were off. you had to point your curser far too off to the side to get samus to turn around on most setting, spinning felt a little too slow considering at any second i can point and shoot at anything i see (its not like halo where i have to move so the enemy is in the middle of my screen). Besides for that, i never felt like i had as much contol over samus as i would Master Chief, or even generic Unreal Tournament dood #3. besides for that, i hated fighting in metroid prime 3 which is kinda weird considering how often you shoot things. now not feeling fully incontroll of my character, its just plain easier to lock on...and all you do is unload as many bullets into an enemy before it dies and move on to the next. its not like halo where the dood takes cover and you fight the guy on your flank only to get flanked again...but this might be a more metroid design issue...anyway, i hated fighting and it took away from me feeling in control even more.

now this is the same title that people compared the wii-mote to the mouse and keyboard. this is the game people said "the way fps were ment to be played" but at this point that all just seems to be fanboys speaking out of their asses again. i dont understand how the wii nailed the controlls yet i can have fun shooting things, and i feel like im playing a game, not some hot ass bounty hunter with a gun for a hand.

So i dunno, maybe im but some weird-o but the Wii just hasnt nailed it for me...the potential is there, a dev just needs to do it.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl: Finally getting pumped

Well with the game less than a month off, I found myself starting to get excited for this title. back in fall of 07 we had a little info and such, but i never really got pumped up for the which got delayed.

Now i kicked and screamed at how much I didnt want sonic to be in brawl, but he ended up in there...and honestly i might use him. i dont know if his range is going to be too small for him to be useful, but i figured i would give him a shot. I have no idea who im going to use this time around. i went from kicking ass in SSB using Luigi, to using Samus in Melee, so who knows what i will end up with next on brawl. i trypically go for a light character that has speed, being able to do a quick combo and then send them flying with a smash...and i figured i would use samus...untill i learned her final smash was a bust leaving her as zero suit samus.

well i got another wii-mote and up to 3, and i ordered the official nintendo lan everything should be ready for SSBB in a month...but why friend codes?!

Metroid Prime 3: Review

Well as i try and make a habit of doing...i try and beat a game before giving a review. However there are just some games out there i simply cant bring myself to finish. Metroid Prime 3 just happens to be one of those games.

Well i must say, I was really dissapointed with this game. coming out in the same time frame as halo3 i was all fired up ready for a nice line up of kick ass FPS (FPA with shooting mechanics in metroids case) and well...Metroid fell flat of what I felt was promised. the space pirates just were not fun to shoot. you lock on point at the center of the screen shoot as fast as you can till he dies. not to say halo is any diffrent (line guy up with cross hair and shoot) but the space pirates take so long to kill, i cant enjoy a nice intense battle. im just switching from on to the next jumping back and forth to dodge. It doesnt have the same feel as lets say 3 brutes in halo3 being in the next room. where i shoot at one and it takes cover and i get flanked by one of the otehr brutes and have to quickly find myself some cover. in this sense Metroid Prime 3's Combat falls flat on its face, and ruins the whole experiance for me. Not only is Samus exploring places, shes suppose to be some kick ass bounty hunter, but it feels incomplete and well...under polished.

but i must say the controlls are good as far as the wii is concerned, but its still not up to me feeling in control like with dual analog or mouse/keyboard. i felt like i was playing a game the whole time...not able to get into the game and feel like i was samus.

some of the hints in the game were horrable as well "explosion near its feet might help" (aims rocket hits ground right at feet hitting it with splash...nothing. rolls into ball and lays little bombs heck yeah it missles =/= explosions?)

some of the puzzles were rediculious as well. it went from trying to appeal to the hardcore crowd as well, as just being stuborn and making things hard to find like a small hole you have to blow open thats on the stairs. so while im looking at the walls i quickly move up the stairs to continue my search and pass the rock im suppose to blow up about 20 times. seriously...they need to think of better puzzles than "find the one rock thats infront of a morph ball tunnel!"

beyond that i cant comment too much...didnt finish the story so i cant talk about that.

Gear box score: 8/10

Delicious score: 5 pieces of cake out of 10

=/ yeah i seriously didnt have fun with game and it felt like a chore playing it at times.

Resistance: the PS3s halo?

Now in the last few months Sony fanboys have pointed to KillZone2 as the FPS saving grace on the PS3, to which it will arm the PS3 to boot and go into battle with the 360 and its Halo 3. From there you get into messy discussions on how good of a game was halo3 actually, or how the first killzone sucked, even why the 360 sucks because of the RRoD (dunno what it has to do with games...=/ ). Well "surfer girl" (who ever that bloody is, and im not even sure i take 'her' seriously when 'she' talks about 'her' statement "expect gears of war 3 in blah" they need to finish the 2nd before they worry about the 3rd...honestly i can throw years out there and hope im right too) made a few statements about Resistance 2 back in 07, and finally we get some info from the developers mouth itself.

Resistance sort of gave me a Halo vibe, the first one sold alright...was well done, fans enjoyed it, great single player and multi player experiance, etc. however Resistance like Halo1 never really got the mass appeals to which its talked about to no end. both are solid FPS titles that just about ever ps3 owner i know willing to play a couple times...but doesnt seem to talk about it unles prompted to do so. So when Resistance 2 was announced, i didnt expect the mass ammounts of people flooding to look at the information like it did yesterday. in the ps3 forums on gametrailers, there was upwards to 1000 people looking at the resistance 2 thread. then i started to think about how this is just like halo2. you never really heard about halo other than xbox owners telling you its great when prompted, but when halo2 was on the way every one and their mom seemed to have played halo or was in love with halo.

I just see some similar ties here, and perhaps by resistance 3...we might have another series that reaches to main stream levels like halo did.

halo 3: maybe i missed something?

well ive been waiting a while now for gametrailers to give me their game of the year awards, they were the last site whose opinion i took seriously. however today i watched in horror as Halo3 took the 360 game of the yet, multi player games of the year and so on. i dont get what it is i missed in halo3...but it doesnt shine in my book like it did with others.

ive played 80-90 ranked matches and i get sick of halo3, needing breaks every couple of hours to cool off. people seem to dismiss the short campaign saying "replay value!" or even pointing to 4 persona co-op....i dunno about any of you but its hard as hell for me to even convince one of my friends to co-op with me. even forge which apparently is the saving grace of halo3 has little point, when about all you can do is move where guns spawn and little else. tho granted forge can be handy in a few instances, its far from the map editor people praise it to be. and finally on my little rant here, why does everyone bring up the video and picture system? i dont understand how that improves the game making it better than for say call of duty 4 which i find the online much more enjoyable that that of halo3s.

at the end of the day people say halo3 has huge value because the layers of things to do, but i dont think that should really count as much as people make it out to be.

Working on Webcomics now

well after reading about 1000 online gaming comic strips in the last 2 weeks (work has been slow...lots of time to kill on the clock) so i decided to start making my own about my views on gaming, and well my everyday life. dunno when the first one will be out, but i have almost finished my character, then a few back grounds and my friend and ill start making some.

anyway im making a ton of layers so once i get a drawing ill beable to use them over and over again so i can produce comics faster. its going to take a year or so before i have a pallet full enough that i wont have to draw too many new things.

anyway look forward to it.

all new review system! + assassins creed review

well I sat down the other day and thought to myself that i needed a new review scale, something that truly showed how i felt about a game. from a technical standpoint, i think the achievements of a developer should be recognized. such as a smooth well thought out gameplay mechanics and so on. but i also believe you can have a ton of fun with games that have some serious issues. so i decided my reviews would have 2 scales.

scale 1 will be known as the delicious scale. this is where i talk about how much fun i had with the game, was the single player enjoyable, did i enjoy the online, or perhaps i got bored and never came back to the game. so just like asking a person if they thought that cake (which apparently wasnt a lie) was delicious or not, i will tell you if ths game hit the spot for me or not.

scale 2 will be known as the gear box score. This is where i go into and nitpick he game for frame rate issues (which might be mentioned in the delicious scale if it hurts the game to the point it took away from my enjoyment of the game), graphical blunders, and so on. essentually this is the scale of how well the developers were able to make the game.

now to show you this amazing new scale system, i will review Assassins creed (took me a while)

This game has to be the biggest surprise for me all year. when i first saw this game i had mixed feelings on how well good the game was going to be, and unusual for my gaming needs...i had lots of fun. the learning curve was a little steep, and when i say learning curve i mean it took a while to adjust to the games kinda wonky mechanics such as running down the street blows my cover that im an assassin...but stabbing a dude in the middle of the crown and simply assuming a praying position keeps them even suspecting me.

guard 1: I think the monk looking guy with the knife on his back killed the man

guard 2: are you a moron?! look at him! hes praying, no man of god could do such a thing...did you see that guy running down that street half a mile away?! it was totally that guy!

so at the end of the day i enjoyed myself to almost no end, i give Assassin's creeds 9 half eaten babies out of 10!

but now seriously, this game has a few issues that never really happened enough to honestly ruin my fun...but i have never seen a game that has issues like this. i can be running, sitting, sneezing, even praying over a guards corpse and the game will the point you have to reset your system to make it do anything. its a rather bad issue that i dont know why ubisoft cant seem to fix. another issue is the game not always loading...sometime ill just get stuck in the white room waiting for the map to load only to find out...its not going to. so once again my only option to to seemingly reset my console.

the gear box gets a 7/10

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