One thing that i have noticed in all my time on the ps3 forums on various sites, and my own personal experiance is that people want the PS3 to have in-game XMB (cross media bar). to clarify what im talking about, turn on your ps3 and hit the "PS" button when your console is started up. here you have a list of options to choose from, the list grows and shrinks depending on what your doing at that time. in game you have more options than if you were just sitting on the cross media bar doing nothing. well people want the PS3s cross media bar to pop up durring gameplay rather than that list of options to choose from.
in their defence they point to the features they want to have access to durring the heat of battle, or rather a lobby room waiting for a game to start up. we have people who want in game messaging, i too want this feature very much, so you can recieve game invites and go to your friends lobby and join up with him/her...or perhaps your so bored you sent a message to your buddy asking him/her how their sick mother is doing in the hospital, and you eagerly await their message. thats a very good reason and would make gaming with friends that much easier. other people point to the icon near the middle of the XMB, thats right the music option. some people want to have access to their relativly large music libraries and be able to play them in-game. not as good a reason as messaging IMO, but a reason none the less.
now i had ideas such as, "wow! i can pause my game bring up the XMB and watch a video on how to do XYZ so i get the secret" but the ps3 just doesnt have enough ram to run the game, and then play my video ontop of that all while running the entire XMB as just doesnt. same thing with the web browser and other features the XMB also rases the question of how would i turn off my controller or system from here...
as a solution i will suggest what i call XMB lite. its a much smaller version of the XMB that has much less in terms of options.
imagine you hit the "ps" button and it brings up the usual list of options, including powering off your system and controller. but like the XMB if you hit right or left it takes you to a diffrent category of options. if you hit right, it gives you access to your friends list as well as your in and out box for quick game invites before a game...or if your so concerned about your friends sick mother you can read that message as you get shot in the face by your enemy. on the far left could be music options which all you ahve to do is go down to playlist folder select yourplay list and the music starts up. or if you have the time you can work your way though an easy folder system to select a band or even a single song if you wished.
this XMB lite would give people access to the features they want/need, while not giving you the full XMB and all its functions ingame. it also answeres all concerns that i know off, including how would you turn your console off from the XMB if they got rid of the list of options that pop up when you currently hit the "ps" button.
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