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PHOTOSHOP CS2!!!!! Yay!!!

I sent for CS2 off Ebay today. Cost me £11. The only problem is I think it's a pirate one. It's got no box or manual. I don't really care though as long as it works. Hopefully, I can make some decent sigs now. I got linked when asking for new brushes, (Ready for when I get it) to Devient art. The only problem is I can't find the brushes themselves, since the search is down. :(

Live 8 today. Got a BBQ at a friend's house later. My finger hurts, and I'm using a different one to type now, and it feels funny. I missed Rollerhockey altogether today. My mum was really getting into Live 8, and we both forgot about it. I'm gonna go play some outside in a bit, since I got loads of tennis balls out of somebody's garden. They'll all be on the roof by Wednesday. I'm level 13, and I'm racing Crow. He's got to get to level 9, and me to 14. It's slightly unfair since when you get to level 10 your leveling seems to slow down. It did for me.

Can't wait for CS2 to arrive.


How can it be dangerous throwing sweets?

I had to do litter picking again today. At first break, me and a friend were in our locker area. My friend had some sweets which he got from the vending machine. He started lobbing them at people, and a little kid from the year below started a war against us. I stayed out cause I've been in enough trouble recently. So, I decide, there's no point not bothering, it's 1 more little risk. So, I threw 1 sweet, and then, my friend threw one and it hit a door, which had glass on. The Head of Year was coming up the stairs at the time. She heard the sweet, and she saw me picking up a sweet to lob at a kid. She then came in, not knowing who threw it, and got everybody there into her teaching room. I stood there listening to her threatening me if it was me, and I ignored it. She said everybody was going to stay in until somebody owned up. I knew that it was unfair on the 6 others there who didn't do anything, so I owned up, even though I only threw 1. Then, the little kid from the year below (Jack) owned up as well. So there we were waiting for my friend to own up, and the HOY sent the rest out, and he got away with it. So Jack was given litter picking and get sent away, and I was standing there getting a lecture about some BS of a sweet seriously hurting somebody or cracking the glass. She said the glass was toughened there, and that it cost other £100 to replace. It was, of course, total BS. Then she said I was constantly up in the ocker area (I only go up there in first break), that I hadn't payed for the ceiling tiles, (I hadn't got the bill), and that I could be excluded for a day!!!! WTF!? for throwing a ****ing sweet. I would stand there in front of my mum if that happened, and tell her that thje HOY is a ****, and is so retarded that she thought a sweet could smash some glass.

That HOY has it in for me. I was annoying the dinner ladies by hiding my plate when I was outside, and when she told me to sit down when eating, I shoved it all into my mouth. She then told me to do litter picking then. She also told me off for not putting away my plate. I'm tired of all the BS I get from her. I can't wait until I get back my French test because I know I've done well. I can then shove it in her face. It'll be great.

Then, I went away, and wrote a speach in English. That was really boring, and I had left my PE kit at home, so I had to use some crappy borrowed clothes. Still played well, (Indoor rounders, not using a bat, and a soft ball). I was miles infront of the ball on my first 2 goes, so I did cartwheels at the end to take the mick out of them. Then, third go, I wasnt so quick and didn't realise. I did a cartwheel, but my feet had to touch the ground. So I got out because it was my hands instead of my feet. Not much else happened, and it was pretty boring lunch.

Vaccinations are annoying

I had 2 today, ready for South Africa. I can't wait. I'm going for 10 days, and I'm going to 3 different [places. Capetown, some place near the sea and a nature reserve. The vaccinations are annoying me right now. Had them done about an hour ago. It didn't hurt, but my arm is aching.

Not much else has happened really. I seem to have forgotten GTA : SA. I got pretty bored after I left it. I played nonstop for a day, and got to the last bit of an Fierro. Then I stopped, and came on GS.

Update will come soon.

I'm bored

Simple enough.

TGSP is a flop, so I might resign, or disband it. Every board is dead, or has useless topics on, and I've had the day off school to lie in bed and do nothing. Normally, that's fun/fine, but today I was bored out of my mind. I think I missed an exam because of it, si I'll have to take it by myself. I don't know if that's a yay or nay.

Well, that's all for now.


It's been a while.

Not much has really happened. I tryed to get Photoshop, but that ****ed up, when the "memory cannot be allocated". I blame it on the viruses, and we've sent the logs to Xoftspy, and they'll tell us why it certain viruses keep coming back. I would personally like to buy Spydoctor, or reset the computer. The only problem with that is that, If I want to download AIM again, I'll get viruses that won't go away because Xoftspy will be deleted. Hopefully they'll go, and I can get photoshop properly.

In my social life however, not much has happened. I commited social suicide :| by putting a rose in a girl's locker. She didn't like it either.:cry: I'm off her now though, and the BS has stopped. My best friend thinks I don't spend enough time with him anymore, since I hang out with other friends, and he also thinks I'm hitting on his GF. The BS never stops at my school.

Either way, life is still pretty good.


That's alot of reviews.

12 in 1 day.

I can't remember all of them, but I think they are; MGS2:SOL, Gangsters, FFX, FFX-2, Settlers 2, Enter the Matrix, Prisoner of war, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2, Escape from Monkey island, James Cameron Dark Angel, and XIII.

Oh yeah, anyone who reads this, find one and click on trust user.

THAT ****ING SOB!!!!!(caps)

THAT PRICK!!!! I swear he can't take a joke. No way I'm going to talk to him on MSN,. and I'll just ignore him. His loss really. Tough **** he ain't gonna be around this week.


The war against Harrison has begun

hehe, the dumb@$$ called us all to his form room, and gave 4 of us afterschool detentions (me included). So, as we people do, we complained to our head of year. She is trying to find out wtf is happening, and even the headmaster has been dragged in. Our afterschools has been postponed, and "negotiations" have begun.

That dumb n00b left us in the lab by our selves, and we went when the bell went. He got mad at us, and the afterschools were made. It's sooooo unfair. There were 12 of us in the lab, and only 4 of us got detentions. I've got to get about 70 more words, and wikipedia is going to help a lot:wink: Thank god I have Monday off. I love bank holidays.

How **** can 1 day be?

Today was sooooo boring.

All my friends had the day off, I had a detention with Harrison (The N00b), and had to write out 130 scientific words with the meaning. How am I going to do that?

I couldn't play football at break, cause the tennis nets were up, and I got slapped about 10 times. The lessons were ****, and Rio is still ignoring me.
