I played WoW but it got old due to bad low level content and failed to hook me in.
GodMin's forum posts
Guild wars > WoW
hate to say it "well ok i love to" but i think guild wars is a lot better then Wow, due to many things but 1 of the bigest things that makes Guild wars stand out over ALL MMOs is the time it takes to level does not take long to level to the max level, week tops. this lets you try all the classes. In Wow you have to put a lot of time in to leveling,
i dont know about you but i like to play the game with other people, Guild wars does a good job with this, theres always some 1 that is remaking / making a new toon so even low level content has people playing it, i played WoW and got to about lvl 42 before giving up cause i was always playing alone. i looked a lot but, didnt find any guild that let levels lower then 60 join, most the time you will be leveling alone unless you find a guild that will help you level "saying is not doing"
Guild wars is not a pay to play, but still has tons events/tournaments "ive seen people win up to $500k" and i think there is a $100k tournament per mother
That said there is also a lot of PVE as well i still find my self doing some of the old missions from the 1st guild wars just for fun "same for the 2nd and 3rd" also there are a lot of instances to do, some of the big 1s are FOW DOA and both UWs
only thing Wow has over Guild wars is that guild wars has a lot of instances witch means there is the home instance where you can see other players and then when you go outside your alone unless you are in a group. but i think this works both ways seeing that you will never have to wait for respawns cause some guy was being a ahole and killed the boss with out inviting you
also 1 thing that makes Guild wars a FAR more competitive game is that you only have 8 skills out side of a home instance so you have to think on what you are going to use
t here are tons more reasons on why i think Guild wars is better then Wow but after talking about guild wars i think i may go play it Guild wars has a trail on their website " Guildwars.com " id try it before getting Wow
CoD4 has a lot of people for MP but also you may want to look in to UT3 or TF2 "also in the orange box"
I have TF2 and LOVE it. fun game very laid back and has a lot of MP going on "also on the sorce engine always a +1"
i hear its a really good FPS but if you were playing a COD game before getting COD4 i think it will get old to you fast.
also what are you looking in to doing SP, MP or both?
any souce game but if you have to get 1 of the 3 id say
BF2 - for fun
BF2142 - for fun (i like 2142 more)
ETQW - Cal
or wait for spore
A Vietnam game maybeLonelynight
Ive been thinking that for some time i think its the best type of combat for that engine
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