I just finished as well, and while overall I liked it there were many things I didn't like. This game should have had about 10-15 shaved from it, so many crappy missions it feels like you are spinning your wheels and waiting forever to get to the climax while not doing much. Your reward? A typical shit ending that most games have.
I would rate this one as my third favorite GTA, San Andreas being number one and Vice City number two. Larger worlds and better graphics do not make a better game on their own. Their writing has gotten a lot worse, and it all just goes blllaaah by the end.
Online is a mixed bag I had some funny farting around with friends but I am already bored of freemode, deathmatches aren't nothing to write home about. Not much to keep me here.
Mixed feelings on the game but I would still recommend it to most videogame fans, there is a lot to like here.
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