Hmmm I wonder which console will win this generation's console war.
Xbox One: Costs $100 more than the PS4, new complex DRM (content protection), weak launch line up except for titanfall, consoles concept is not a gaming machine but an EA/Activision DVR lol. Oh and has the halo franchise...
PS4: $100 cheaper than Xbox One, slightly more powerful thanks to its GDDR5 memory, better launch lineup of games, backwards compatibility and unlimited replay value and game libraries thanks to their cloud gaming service. Console concept is the ultimate gaming machine.
He is off by a year. One reason why.... we would have had something at E3 this year, and then pricing and more news at E3 next year... Mark my words... 2014 is new consoles.... I hate the idea too but thats just how its going to be.
I'm so excited for these consoles. It's going to be so amazing. I'd prefer 3-5 year console cycles personally, because like anything electronic, specifically computers, they are on similar life cycles, at least in an IT environment with our vendors, and at previous companies. I know its not the best business practice for a company like Sony or Miscrosoft who are out to make money, but we will get the best product, best graphics if they are able to continually upgrade the hardware, unless they design a PC type system where end users like ourselves can constantly upgrade the components when they are launched for the system, that way its not required for those that cannot afford to upgrade, but will unlock the highest settings in future games for the platform! That would truly be a 10-15 year life cycle!
Dude Guster, he's simply saying the OLED screen for the Vita cannot be touched in terms of color and contrast, which he is 100% right, and obviously notices the massive difference between the 2.
GodOfSyn's comments