GEARS OF WAR ... HALO ... MORTAL KOMBAT (EEUOOH) sloppy! ... FINAL FANTASY IX (PSSH) ... SPORTS (zzZZZzzzz) baww-riing! ... GOD OF WAR, PRINCE OF PERSIA, or Any Platform for that matter!
Well... there has to be some logical explanation for it. First - Do you have a Network Adaptor...? IF YOU DO - MAKE TRIPLE Sure that it is plugged in properly, and if it does not work in the BACK - try the FRONT... If you had it in the Front, then try the Back. This happened to my brother - where the Adaptor kept falling out of the Back of the XBOX, and when he switched it to the front then it worked. But later on He took it out one day, so I had to put a new one in... After he came back from vacation, he took mine out and put the old one back in... It Did Not Work AT ALL after that point. Then... when I put my new one back in, we were able to connect to XBOX LIVE again. Therefore - My ADVICE would be, to go and buy a new Network Adaptor - and MAKE SURE that you Place it in The FRONT of your Console - and Take Care NOT to Jam it in but put it in Nice & SECURE. Also Make configurations to your ROUTER, make sure your MODEM is up and running, make sure your service provider has you connected to the internet and things like that. First make sure everything *REQUIRED* is Set -- Second put the plug to your Network Adaptor In The FRONT of your console *With The Power OFF* Theeenn cut on your System... after it's on Follow any instructions you have, Known, for XBOX *LIVE*.... PLUS Ask someone at GAMESTOP -- 1-516-564-1547 (New York) -- someone who KNOWS about XBOX LIVE Connection, in reference to your problem, and Don't give-up.
Hey I'm new here to gamespot, and I tried to set a picture in my profile (Images) for my Avatar, and set a signature, but it did not work.... Can anyone give me any tips on how to set my avatar and a signature please, THANK*YOU! ......and What's the Difference between a BANNER and a SIG? ....THANK*YOU!
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