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Good_Juju Blog

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Demo

Okay, I admit it. Out of nostalgia, I downloaded the tmnt demo, just for a quick jaunt down memory lane with the heroes in a half shell...and boy was it ever quick....a SEVEN AND A HALF MINUTE TIME LIMITED DEMO???? WTF??!!?? And not even played kinda lame -- weird control configuration in my humble opinion. So it looks like I'll have to find those old tapes of Staurday morning cartoons in order to get my pizza-eating, ninja-battling, Splinter-following turtle fix. Oh well.


I know this is a way late blog on this subject, but if you are a Half-Life fan, you OWE it to yourself to check out Concerned: The Half-Life and Death of Gordon Frohman. Chris Livingston does an amazing job not only at parodying Half Life 2, but also simply at making a fun web comic..and even though it's now over (sadly), there is still a lot of fun stuff in those 200+ comics. And besides you'll know why my CS and HL2 sprays are "FROWHNED!"
(You can get the spray from the sites forums, actually...and it's pretty satisfying to plaster that all over the walls afer a succesful round ;-) )

Vidoe Card Angst

You know there have been a lot of cool games that came out in the past year for the PC (which, IMHO, is the ultimate gaming platform--though I will of course admit consoles have had smash years too...can you say Wii or Gears of War...?). Company of Heroes. Oblivion. Neverwinter Nights 2. Supreme Commander, more recently. there is one major problem with all these games: they require Pixel Shader 2.0. My ancient nVidia GeForce Ti4200 doesn't (read: can't) support that. And thus..I am stuck without these games, by not merely a wall of technical limitation but budgetary constraints and wanting to wait to get the most bang for my buck will a (mostly) kinks free Vista DX10 machine...

At least I've got DefCon going for me. And, of course, the eternal funes that is Lego Star Wars Two. And the goodness of CS. But I'm gonna need to get on that graphics card thing soon...because I donlt know how long I can wait for SupCom.
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