[QUOTE="Gordon_Slaveman"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]What proof is there that MGS4 would be 3 discs?
As for installed base, its very important, to publishers, to the system makers, and to business people. If you could sell your product to a potential audience of 4 million or to one that is 14 million, which would you choose?
hahaha even if you have that 14 million users for that system, about 800,000 will buy the game, and realize it's 10x better for the system, it was made for...... and in the long run, the company will be losin' more money just portin' it over then making it like they thought they would with your way of thinking. We'll see what happens with UT3... perfect example, we will see what happens there. Gurantee that game sells more on PS3 than 360.
The general gamer does not read reviews, they do not compare the games much, and they certainly don't care if one game is running at 30 FPS or 60 FPS.
And its not about what system a game was made for. It matters what systems the game is available on. If installed based didn't matter, why did GTA go to Xbox? Why has Assassin's Creed and DMC gone multiplatform?
Its about having more potential customers. Don't have yourself a little fit or anything over it, but strictly from a business POV, having more customers to sell to is a good thing, so installed base is very important.
Another point, if installed base is so unimportant, why are most major 3rd party developers now falling all over themselves to make games for the Wii? Its not because they like the system any more than the others, but they will have a huge audience to sell their games to.
If you try and say sales or install base (same thing) is unimportant, you must not remember the huge software advantage the PS2 enjoyed because of its huge installed base.
hahahahaha, people don't read reviews??? people don't care about framerates?? hahahahaha, that's why everyone is now second guessing Warhawk, and Lair after it was so hyped a couple of months ago... and that's why everyone and PS3 fanboys are pissed about Madden 08. Because madden 08 was much better on 360, with the full 60 fps... and foxhound, if that was the case, why is MGS4 exclusive to PS3, and why is UT3, and Haze exclusive to PS3??(well ut3 is time exclusive[console wise])
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